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Grace’s fundraising a cut above

The Central App

Anna Robb

26 April 2023, 5:30 PM

Grace’s fundraising a cut aboveApril 22 is a day Grace (12) will remember as she had her buzz cut

The Terrace School year eight student Grace Wardle completed her ‘shave for a cure’ buzz cut on Saturday (April 22) to raise money for leukaemia and blood cancer research.

Her fundraising page has reached $1,198 and Grace is keeping it open for a while longer.

Her mum Melinda Tweedie said it went without a hitch.

“She loves it and didn’t even want to wear her hat, even though it was freezing.”

Grace thanked everyone in the community who has sponsored her and supported the cause so far. 

Read more: Alexandra girl to shave for a cure

Visit Grace’s shave for a cure fundraising page here.

Shave for a cure is a year round event and information on it is online. This year a total of 489 people have shaved their heads and $323,334 has been raised.