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Pressure for ORC to pause Land and Water Regional Plan

The Central App

Aimee Wilson

19 August 2024, 5:15 PM

Pressure for ORC to pause Land and Water Regional PlanOtago Regional Council chair Gretchen Robertson. PHOTO: File

“Astronomical” costs associated with the proposed Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) have now caught the eye of not one but several government ministers.

A second letter from the Minister for the Environment (MFE) Penny Simmonds questioning the impacts of the Otago Regional Council’s (ORC) new plan, due to be notified in October, was sent last week.

In her letter it outlined how she and her colleagues have all heard concerns from Otago ratepayers about the proposed costs associated with the achievement of Te Mana o te Wai through the notified plan.

The new Government is currently working on a review and replacement of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM).

“As earlier expressed, we remain concerned that notifying a plan ahead of this may lead to duplication and additional costs on ratepayers,” she said.

Hon Simmonds originally sent a letter to the ORC on July 31 requesting a breakdown of the costs and was now following up again as a matter of urgency.

To help the ministers understand what the impacts of the plan were, they have asked the ORC to provide an outline of any change of direction on key issues raised during consultation, and any estimate of costs that are associated with the proposals.

Specifically, the request was to understand the implications the plan would have on primary industries, the costs that would be imposed on district councils, and in particular how it related to stormwater and wastewater infrastructure.

NZ First list MP Mark Patterson penned his frustration with the ORC in a recent media column saying the proposals were causing “genuine angst” for farmers and those living in rural towns.

ORC chair Gretchen Robertson said the ORC was working with Government toward its proposed changes to review and replace the NPS-FM.

“While the likelihood of proposed changes has been well reported, we’re waiting for confirmation and the details around what the replacement legislation will be.

“We will continue working closely with the minister and MFE and will be addressing the matters raised by the minister in her letter,” she said.

The next ORC full council meeting will be held on August 28 where there will be more discussion on the matter.