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New local diabetes programme launched

The Central App

30 June 2024, 5:30 PM

New local diabetes programme launchedWellSouth long-term conditions nurses are (from left) Marryllyn Donaldson, Rachel Hall, Monica Cooney and Dave Cox. PHOTO: Supplied

WellSouth primary health organisation is piloting a new programme to help people across Otago and Southland self-manage their type 2 diabetes, and Alexandra and Queenstown are included in the pilot. 


‘Take Control of Your Diabetes’ is an evidence-based programme developed by WellSouth long-term conditions (LTC) nurses to empower patients to self-manage their diabetes diagnosis, with in-person classes delivered where there is the most need.


WellSouth LTC nurse Dave Cox runs the programme and said WellSouth previously delivered a diabetes workshop from a UK-based programme.


“Feedback was that these were too long, held during the workday, and were too far away for people to attend.


“We wanted to respond to that feedback and provide programme classes that were more local and more flexible.”


Dave said the introductory class of this new programme is shorter, and can be delivered according to need, to fit in with busy schedules, almost anywhere.


“By making it free-of charge, local and accessible, we believe more people will attend, and be able to connect with others locally who are having a similar experience.”


“Many attendees will have just been diagnosed by their GP or nurse practitioner, who would then recommend the course.”


Dave said there is a lot a person and their whānau can do to manage conditions and lessen the impact of diabetes.


There are around 12,400 people in Otago and Southland who have type 2 diabetes, according to data from the primary care patient management system (PMS). 

Of these, 4405 are rural, 1128 are Maori (nine per cent) and 559 are Pacific (four per cent).

Of the rural breakdown, 324 are Maori (seven per cent) and 125 are Pacific (three per cent). 


“With so many of our population rural, having programmes in towns rather [than] in major centres will make a huge difference to empowering more of our community,” Dave said.


Participants will better understand how diabetes may affect day-to-day life, how to recognise and manage symptoms and get tips and advice to keep living well with diabetes.

They will get advice on glycaemic control, nutrition, physical activity, smoking cessation, medication use, stress management, sleep hygiene, goal setting and action planning.


The LTC team are also monitoring the need for a follow up class as part of the programme. 

The class is in Alexandra on July 24 and Queenstown on July 23. 

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