The Central App

Cromwell Primary hosting community picnic

The Central App

Anna Robb

14 February 2023, 5:00 PM

Cromwell Primary hosting community picnicThe Cromwell Primary School staff team for 2023

Cromwell Primary School (CPS) is hosting a community picnic on Thursday (February 16) to connect with whānau and new community members.

A significant amount of development has occurred at school during the holidays.

The new entrant hub is due to be completed in March and the building is tracking along nicely, principal Matthew McCormick said.

Associated drainage and concrete works including new concrete pathways have been laid, and a caretaker shed and rain/wastewater remedial work will be done in the term one holiday break. 

Matthew said the school roll has grown to 348 students, up nine from last year.

Personnel and structural changes at the school have encouraged a sense of excitement and positivity, he said.

“This term is all about establishing relationships with our students and their community. Establishing routines and building a sense of belonging is also being prioritised,” Matthew said.

Year six garden club harvesting potatoes at CPS last week 

Two teachers have joined from Auckland: Troy Lunn (team leader year four - six) and Johannah Legget (year six). 

Specialist teachers have also been hired: Sam Matheson (visual and dramatic arts) and Holly Curran (Hauora - mental health and wellbeing).

The picnic is from 5 -7pm on Thursday (February 16) starting in the school hall at 61 Molyneux Ave, Cromwell. Matthew and Lauren Hunter (board of trustees) will speak at 5.30pm.

A barbecue, food truck and Mr Whippy will be on site as options, or attendees can bring their own picnic.