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Your weekend is a superhero: Lockdown edition

The Central App

Mary Hinsen

20 August 2021, 3:30 AM

Your weekend is a superhero: Lockdown edition Take the time to do things that make you smile this weekend during lockdown

Take the time to do something that will make you smile over the long (lockdown until Tuesday) weekend – If stuck, we have a few suggestions for you.


Make this long weekend your superhero. Saturday and Sunday are the days that can swoop in and save the rest of your week. Monday and Tuesday you could be adding some unfinished work or home projects or de-cluttering the house.


Here’s a few ideas for you to give your extra-long weekend some lockdown superpowers.


Get some fresh air. Government rules during Level 4 say you can exercise in your local area - so get out there and breathe in some fresh air! It’s good for your soul, good for your mind, and good for your body.


Be grateful we live in this beautiful part of the world.


Too cold? Can’t get out? You can still exercise at home - have fun exercising alone or with the rest of your bubble.


There are many websites and free apps out there, and some of you will have your own favourites. My current favourite is the free version of the FitOn app. It has workouts from yoga to core work, and everything in between.


Feeling anxious? Need help to stop all the thoughts? The lovely Angela Connell has provided some wonderful guided meditations, which we have made available for you on The Central App. Find the link to our ‘Be Better’ section below titled 'Stoic wisdom for present times' 


Shop local - shop online. Did you know you can go shopping online and still support local? The ‘Locals Online’ section in The Central App links you to local businesses who are online, still running a business but the new remote way. Some who just need your support. Maybe you can buy a voucher off them for later, or someone's birthday? The link to our ‘Locals Online’ section is below.


Time for you: curl up with a hot drink and a good book. I’ve got a couple of books I’ve been saving for a rainy day … or lockdown in this case.


If you’ve read everything in the house, why not try an e-book? There are loads of free e-books on BookBub, and if you’ve got a library card you can use the apps Libby or BorrowBox to easily access books from the library.


Catch up on the phone or zoom a family member or friend. It’s a good time to check in to see how everyone is coping with lockdown. Also, a chance to catch up with long lost friends.


At home with kids? If you haven’t discovered her already, check out Nanogirl (aka Dr Michelle Dickinson) on YouTube. Nanogirl has science activities that are a whole load of fun, from making edible slime, through to catapult aeroplanes.


Learn something new. I’m one of those people who loves learning and exploring new things. YouTube is full of tutorials, or you could explore the free and paid courses available on Coursera.


Even during lockdown, the world is your oyster!


To stay up to date who is locally online or still in business during lockdown, click Locals Online

For Angela’s guided meditations, click Meditation - Stoic wisdom for present times


We've got this. Enjoy your extra long weekend and bring some smiles to yourself and others.