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Young horticulturalists put their skills to the test

The Central App

Aimee Wilson

27 May 2024, 5:30 PM

Young horticulturalists put their skills to the testCentral Otago Young Grower of the Year winner Luke St John, of Fortune Fruit. PHOTO: Image Central

Luke St John from the Fortune Fruit Company near Cromwell has reason to celebrate after winning the Central Otago Young Grower of the Year competition in Bannockburn on Friday.

His team-mate Taylor Priest-Johnson came in close behind him, while second time entrant Devon Attfield of Clyde Orchards picked up third place.

Held at Otago Polytechnic’s Bannockburn campus, the annual competition is open to both commercial fruit and vegetable growers from across the region - up to the age of 30.

Entrants were tested on a range of theoretical and practical modules to determine their horticultural skills and knowledge.


Units included in the competition were irrigation, tractor and machinery, pruning, first aid, pest and disease and ‘a day in the life of an orchard manager.’

An awards gala dinner ended the day's activities with speeches from each contestant and the announcement of the 2024 Central Otago Young Grower of the Year winner. 

Oliver Affleck, of Central Orchard Management Ltd, shows judges Earnscy Weaver and Tim Jones what he knows about pruning. PHOTO: The Central App

Oliver Affleck tries out his tractor skills. PHOTO: The Central App

Luke was a first-time entrant and said he was coerced into entering by his peers. 

His partner Mackenzie Maaka also entered and won the hortisport unit at the end of the day.

She knew early on that irrigation was going to be her weakness, but was confident she would do well in the hortisports, which was a fun unit at the end involving apples, bubbles and hoops.

“I entered because I have been in the industry for three years and wanted something new to do. It was great to find out which areas I needed to learn more about,” she said.

Luke said he enjoyed doing all the tasks and receiving instant feedback from the judges on how he could do things better.

“I think everyone in the industry should give this a go, it was so worthwhile and I had such an enjoyable day.”

For Oliver Affleck, another first-time entrant, from Central Orchard Management Ltd, said it was great to meet other young growers in the industry from across the district.

Oliver won the speech competition on what he believes are the greatest challenges right now in the industry, as a next generation horticulturalist.

Devon Attfield said the competition was “20 times better” than last year.

“Last year I didn’t know what to expect and this year I actually knew what I was doing.” 

He particularly loved the tractor driving component.

Luke won $1500 and will now go on to contest the National Young Grower of the Year title in Hawkes Bay on October 9 and 10.