The Central App

Welcome to Central Otago

The Central App

Welcoming Communities

10 February 2025, 11:57 PM

Welcome to Central Otago

Welcome to Central Otago, we’re glad you’re here!

The challenge of settling into a place cannot be underestimated and finding a sense of belonging within your new community is vital to your well-being.

In the words of Brené Brown: “True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.

Every newcomer goes through a settlement process, termed the Settlement Curve. Typically, before relocating, there is optimism and excitement.

However, the realities of creating a new life often brings unexpected hurdles and isolation. This leads to homesickness and sometimes even depression.

It is important to know that this is a normal part of the settlement process and it can often take longer than two years to start to feel that vital sense of belonging in your new home.

We hope that this Newcomer Button will help you to navigate this settlement process more easily. You can also click on this link to the Central Otago Welcome Guide:

Central Otago Welcome Guide | Central Otago (

You can also go straight to our Welcoming Communities page with this link:

Feel free to contact your local Welcoming Communities Officer with any questions:

[email protected]