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VCB member urges youth to keep fighting against climate change

The Central App

Tracie Barrett

02 August 2023, 5:45 PM

VCB member urges youth to keep fighting against climate changeJayden Cromb made history last year when he was elected to the Vincent Community Board, becoming the youngest ever elected member of the Central Otago District Council

Vincent Community Board member Jayden Cromb responds to the Central App cadet journalist Emily Attfield’s recent opinion piece on climate change.

I read Emily’s article titled ‘Climate change - are we sick of hearing about it?’ (July 30). 

She described the feelings of young people about being tired of the doomsday messaging of climate change, and of feeling exhausted and powerless to effect real change on this issue. 

Read more: Teen Talk: Climate change - are we sick of hearing about it?

I get it, I've been there. I know the frustration of sitting round a table feeling like you're talking to a clump of coal, or being irritated by a new greenwashed feel-good policy that you know really means kicking the issue down the generational road. 

My message to all young people is, even if you feel voiceless, desensitised, or exhausted, continue to stand up and advocate for what you believe in. You have every right to feel let down, or angry. It's your future and the future of our children at risk. No major social or environmental victory has easily been won.  


Yes, countries like the United States and China have a lot to answer for, but that shouldn't let us off the hook, even if we only account for around 0.17 per cent of global emissions. 

What we have seen in the North Island and in Pacific nations recently shows that we are being hit already and there is much more to come. I believe that despite our slow start, Aotearoa can still be a global leader in the climate fight. Just look at the work being done in local government. It's not going to fix everything but it's a step in the right direction. 

Finally, don't be disheartened, keep fighting and keep using your voices. If leaders in Wellington aren't listening, I guarantee that many of us at a local level are. Some of us were even inspired to be here because of your actions. I don't promise that it will be easy or fast, but we can still get there as long as we work together and don't give up!