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Vaccine mandate kicks in but no real impact on CO

The Central App

Rowan Schindler

20 November 2021, 5:00 PM

Vaccine mandate kicks in but no real impact on COVaccine mandates have kicked in and it appears it has little impact on medical centres and schools.

Central Otago schools and medical centres appear to be largely unaffected by the government ordered vaccine mandate, while young adults appear to be the most hesitant to receive the Covid-19 vaccination. 

Health Central General Manager Jenaya Smith says 94% of their over-60 patients are fully vaccinated, with an additional 1.6% partially vaccinated, but young adults appear reluctant. 

“The 20 to 39 year age bracket appears to be the most hesitant, with this age band having a slightly lower uptake to date, which I understand is a nationwide trend.  

“We would encourage anyone in this age group to pop in and get their vaccination ASAP so as they can be fully vaccinated in time for Christmas and enjoy the freedoms being fully vaccinated offers over the summer holiday period.

“Overall, we have had a fantastic response to the COVID vaccination rollout and aside from the 20 to 39-year-old age band, our vaccination percentages for all other age groups either exceed 90% or are very close to it.

Jenaya says HealthCentral was not impacted by the vaccination mandate, with all team members already fully vaccinated.

“Third dose booster shots are available from November 29.  

“If you had your second vaccine at least 6 months ago, you are eligible to book or drop in for your third dose. 

“Anyone who is feeling hesitant about having a COVID vaccine is welcome to call the practice.    

“Our clinical team is happy to talk through any concerns or questions. Information is also available from the Covid-19 website


“HealthCentral is offering COVID vaccinations every weekday from 8am to 5.30pm as well as some weekend days.  

“We also have a weekend drop-in clinic running on November 20 from 10am to 2pm, and another weekend clinic running on December 4 from 9.30am to 3.30pm.     

“Our message to those who are not yet vaccinated is that we would strongly encourage you to pop in and receive your first vaccination ASAP as COVID will inevitably be in our community in the foreseeable future. 

“Vaccination is our best protection and significantly reduces the likelihood of an infected person requiring hospitalisation.   

“It is vital our region has a high vaccination uptake so as to ensure the entire health system is not overwhelmed by COVID related admissions and presentations.”

HealthCentral has all staff fully vaccinated. 

Across town, Alexandra Family Medical practice Manager Angela Tidey says no staff have objected to the vaccination mandate. 

“We’ve had no push back from staff or associated contractors regarding this,” Angela says. 

“Everyone here has been happy to comply with the government order so we’re in no position to comment on the order in general or how it might affect other healthcare workers.”

Central Otago Health Services Ltd/Dunstan Hospital Chief executive Kathy de Luc confirmed all hospital staff are also complying with the vaccine mandate.  

“I am pleased to say the vaccine mandate has not impacted COHSL/Dunstan services. All our employees are confirmed as vaccinated.

“The health message remains to encourage people to get vaccinated and if individuals remain unsure to please talk through any concerns using the resources available.  

“The best thing people can do in this endemic phase of Covid-19 to protect themselves and our health services is to get vaccinated.”

A number of other medical centres declined to comment or did not respond to enquiries. 

The Southern District Health Board (SDHB) said services are responding to lower staffing levels this week, and essential home and community support services that enable people to stay safely at home will be a priority.

It is not yet known how many home and community support staff have chosen not to be vaccinated, and the exact impact this will have on services, the SDHB said.

SDHB community services general manager Glenn Symon said the reduction of staff due to the Health Order compounds existing staff challenges in the sector.

“Due to the mandatory vaccination order, which has been legislated to keep our population safe and allow our health system to continue to function, a number of health and disability support workers have chosen not to be vaccinated and as a result will not continue their jobs.”

He said the SDHB is also experiencing higher than historical sick leave, as staff are staying at home when they are unwell, and as replacement workforce is not readily available, providers may need to reduce services. 

“Until our workforce is able to recover, which may take a number of months, we will need to prioritise those supports which are essential to keeping our population safe at home. 

“This may mean reducing or stopping household management services and reducing the number of visits to some clients.” 

As for schools, there have been no reported cases of a school in Central Otago having to close or change operation due to the vaccination mandate, though there has been anecdotal evidence of a few teachers refusing vaccinations.

No schools replied when contacted by The Central App, and the Department of Education says it does not have the information available

“No central Otago schools were closed on Tuesday November 16 and none are closed today,” Department of Education Hautū te Tai Runga (South) Nancy Bell says.

A department of Education spokesperson told The Central App individual schools’ Boards of Trustees, as the employers, hold vaccine information and cannot disclose if teachers have been absent from school due to privacy reasons. 

The department could not say if any Central Otago teachers have refused the vaccination or if any have been absent or left employment as a result. 

“They (Boards of Trustees) hold this information so that they can comply with their responsibilities as employers, and to support the public health response in the case of any outbreak. 

“The Ministry does not hold an individual's vaccine information. 

“Now that the mandate is in effect and more 0-8 year olds are returning to school and kura for onsite learning, we can look at our regional offices collecting information about the impact of the mandate on schools and kura, if they choose to share it.”