The Central App

Trail Trust chair moving on

The Central App

16 February 2023, 4:45 PM

Trail Trust chair moving onThe Lake Dunstan Trail was completed by the Central Otago Queenstown Trail Network Trust in 2021. PHOTO: Will Nelson

Central Otago Queenstown Trail Network Trust (COQTNT) chair Stephen Jeffery is stepping down after seven years at the helm.

COQTNT was created in October 2016 to deliver 170km of cycle trails to join the Great Rides throughout Central and Queenstown.

Stephen was part of the group that brainstormed the tripartite funding agreement between the government ($13.15M), Central Lakes Trust ($11.15M) and Otago Community Trust ($2M) for the network.

His involvement in cycle trails throughout Central and Queenstown dates back to 2005 when the Clutha Gold and the Roxburgh Gorge Trails were conceived.

Stephen Jeffery

Executive trustee Janeen Wood said Stephen’s expertise, vision and experience in building cycle trails is vast and he will be missed on the board. 

“We thank him for his significant contribution. After almost 20 years you deserve to be able to step away.”

Stephen said he was proud of contributing to this legacy asset for the community.

“Stepping down from council and many other community commitments has been a big decision, but after many years I considered the timing was right.

“I know I leave the trust in good hands to continue to complete our efforts in creating what will be a world-class accessible trail network for our community.”

Aaron Halstead has been appointed the new chair. 

A trustee since March 2019, Aaron has brought knowledge in governance of boards, international tourism education, logistics, and healthcare sectors including search and rescue. 

Aaron Halstead  PHOTO: LinkedIn

He has experience in government, non-profit, international, and business


The Lake Dunstan Trail, the first of five major trails completed by COQTNT, achieved Great Ride status last year. More than 100,000 people have been on the trail since May 2021.

COQTNT has finalised planning for the link to the Queenstown trails via the Kawarau Gorge and Nevis Bluff, along Bannockburn’s Felton Rd. 

This trail has been consented, with detailed design work and final documentation underway. 

The Kawarau Gorge Trail will be started this year, shortly followed by the Roxburgh Gorge link and the Wanaka link to the Lake Dunstan Trail.