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Tips for the great outdoors these holidays

The Central App

29 December 2023, 4:15 PM

Tips for the great outdoors these holidaysGoing on an outdoor adventure? Remember to tell someone you trust when you’ll return. PHOTO: File

New Zealand Police and the NZ Mountain Safety Council (MSC) predict a high number of people will head to the outdoors over the holidays, and they want to make sure everyone makes it home safely.

MSC has some top tips for those tramping this summer: do your research and pack appropriately, have a plan B, and share your trip plan with someone you trust.

MSC chief executive Mike Daisley said researching and finding the right track for you and your group’s abilities is really important. 

“[Check] the weather forecast and [understand] how this can impact your trip. Packing warm layers and waterproof clothing, such as a rain jacket, regardless of the weather forecast is always a smart idea. 

“Having a plan B means you are prepared for the unexpected . . . carry some emergency supplies, such as a first aid kit, a little extra food, or perhaps an emergency shelter. 

“Tailor those emergency supplies to suit the length and remoteness of your adventure, for example for any overnight trip a spare day worth of food and an emergency shelter are essential,” Mike said.

Pack appropriately, for a day walk you need first aid, warm clothing, extra food, drink and shelter. PHOTO: File

Finally, sharing your plans before leaving, including the time you expect to return home, with someone you trust means they can call for help if you’re not back by the agreed time.

Police’s national search and rescue capability coordinator senior sergeant Lea Smith agreed preparation is key.

“Consider more than one form of communication to call for help or update loved ones. Remember you might not have cellphone coverage.

“A registered distress beacon is an important part of your equipment – you can rent or buy one. Beacons can save lives.

“They give searchers essential information that will help them get to you if you are lost or injured,” Lea said.

If you are planning to explore the countryside, it is a really good idea to take some time to learn about your destination and to prepare yourself by using MSC’s free Plan My Walk app and website.

The NZ land safety code provides five key steps for enjoying the outdoors.

Firstly, choose the right trip for you, secondly, understand the weather, thirdly, pack warm clothes and extra food, remember to share your plans, have a beacon with you and finally, take care of yourself and each other.

Check out local walks on The Central App’s Cycling and Walking button.

For more outdoor safety information see NZ Mountain Safety Council website.