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The Central App

The week’s weather

The Central App

Rowan Schindler

19 July 2021, 1:25 AM

The week’s weather Central Otago will experience a mainly settled week, with some rain forecast for Wednesday and Thursday.

A mostly settled week looks forecast for Central Otago, with just a couple of days rain likely for Wednesday and Thursday, according to MetService. 

Cromwell-raised MetService meteorologist Lewis Ferris says Central will have a “midweek blip in an otherwise settled week”.

“The weather around Central Otago looks to remain on the settled side this week,” he says. 

“Temperatures are forecast to remain under double digits and frosts are likely most mornings.”

Rain is forecast for Central Otago mid-week, while the rest of the week appears settled according to MetService. 

“Rain is forecast to set in late on Wednesday and linger into Thursday but it clears out before Friday rolls around,” Lewis says. 

“The weekend looks fine but northerly winds will be getting blustery about the ranges with the next band of rain arriving late in the weekend or early next week based on current information.”

Tuesday will be fine with morning frost. Northerly winds will develop in the afternoon.

Wednesday will be mostly fine, with morning frost. Evening cloud with northerlies, dying out in the evening.

Thursday rain clearing with cold southerlies developing.

Friday and Saturday will be clear, fine with light winds, thought temperatures will drop slightly, and Sunday will be cloudy with light winds.