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Teviot Valley residents make most of Annual Plan

The Central App

Alexia Anderson

05 June 2024, 5:45 PM

Teviot Valley residents make most of Annual PlanAnnual Plan submissions will be heard by Central Otago District Council today. PHOTO: File

Teviot might be the smallest ward in the Central Otago district, but it has the biggest voice.

Of the 149 Annual Plan submissions to be heard by the Central Otago District Council (CODC) today, almost 40 per cent come from the Teviot Valley.

Council will consider 59 submissions from the Teviot Valley Ward, 42 from the Vincent Ward, 36 from Cromwell and seven from the Maniototo when it meets at 10.30am.

A further five are not related to one particular ward.

Among those from the Teviot Valley who have made submissions is Paul Booth who wants improvements made to roading in the area.

He said rural roads, which had seen an increase in traffic, were not up to standard and were not being maintained in time.

Council provided a lengthy response and assumed his submission was in relation to unsealed roads. 

CODC highlighted the fact 1386km of unsealed roads across Central sit within the Access and Low Access classifications, which are only used by 50 to 200 vehicles per day.

Paul also raised concerns around water quality, and has suggested a gravity fed water scheme flowing from a mountain behind Roxburgh could cut costs.

Almost 40 per cent of people who made a submission to the Annual Plan come from the Teviot Valley. IMAGE: CODC

Council has confirmed an investigation into an alternate source of water was underway for Roxburgh and his suggestion has been passed on to the engineer working on the project.

Teviot resident Phillip Bentley has also made a submission in relation to the need for maintenance to the Millers Flat and Oven Hill Creek bridges.

Council said repair work to some of those areas of concern were underway.

A total of 363 comments were received from 149 respondents, with many respondents providing more than one comment. IMAGE: CODC

In addition, Phillip has raised concern about the lack of maintenance on some gravel roads, suggesting they were extremely dangerous for emergency services to navigate.

Council said maintaining low volume rural gravel roads was challenging due to the limited availability of quality gravel and high cartage costs.

Another submission for the Teviot Valley has been received from Erin Beard who wants to see swimming pools be self-funded, not by the rate payer from other areas.

In response to her submission, the CODC has stated that all pools in the district are funded by the ward they are situated in.

To hear what other issues have been raised across the wider district, tune into the livestreamed meeting today from 10.30am where all submissions for the Annual Plan will be heard.

Read more: Business owner calls for Cromwell Mall upgrade

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