Alexia Anderson
04 April 2024, 4:30 PM
Roxburgh residents will soon be responsible for mowing the grass verge outside their properties.
Up until now, it was the responsibility of the Central Otago District Council (CODC) after the Teviot Valley Community board, some years ago, resolved it should mow all the grass verges within the township of Roxburgh.
That came at a cost of about $20,000 to the wider Teviot Valley ratepayer.
It is the only township within Central and one of very few throughout New Zealand that receives the service from council, other than verges that are adjacent to council owned land.
The issue was raised at yesterday’s Teviot Valley Community Board meeting, suggesting that money could be spent elsewhere, to improve outcomes within the open spaces contract, or as a rates saving.
At least two members supported the move.
However, not everyone agreed with the proposal, with community board member Gill Booth suggesting the community should decide, while fellow member Russell Read wanted the service to resume.
“I think people should be given the option of whether they want to have their verges mowed or not, and possible solutions,” Gill said.
“It’s their decision, not ours.”
Mayor Tim Cadogan said board members were elected to make some of those decisions for the community.
“This is 20-odd thousand dollars - you can’t consult [on] everything.”
Community board member Norman Dalley reminded the group that the service was only of benefit to the residents of Roxburgh, not everyone who lives in the valley.
CODC group manager - community vision Dylan Rushbrook said it could be put in a consultation document as part of the annual plan, which would give people a chance to have their say.
However, chief executive officer Peter Kelly interjected to remind everyone that the annual plan was specifically for “big costs” right across council.
“If we were to put in every cost that associates around $20,000 it would be the size of a Britannica Encyclopedia, and we don’t want that. I think there’s a sensible way forward.”
Norman said if it becomes an issue for the community, they have the opportunity to raise it, even if it wasn’t necessarily listed.
The board moved to stop funding to mow verges in Roxburgh and to redistribute the budget across other cost centres within the open spaces contract area.
It also moved that the council develops a grass verge policy for the district.