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Strong support for IceInline roof in annual plan spend

The Central App

Tracie Barrett

05 June 2023, 6:20 PM

Strong support for IceInline roof in annual plan spendCouncil has agreed Alexandra’s ice rink roof be funded by a loan of $400,000. PHOTO: The Central App

A proposal to support IceInline with a grant towards the construction of a roof over its ice rink at Molyneux Park in Alexandra received strong support from the community in the annual plan considerations.

At its meeting on Wednesday (May 31), Central Otago District Council (CODC) considered the 2023-24 Annual Plan submissions following a recent public consultation.

This year, there was only one consultation item - a roof for IceInline. At Wednesday’s meeting, elected members agreed to the recommendation from the Vincent Community Board that the roof be funded by a loan of $400,000, to be fully rate funded over 20 years.

The council received a total of 175 submissions through its Let’s Talk consultation platform, with 111 in favour of this funding option, which would mean a 0.76 per cent rate increase for Vincent ratepayers over the 20 years.

Some councillors reiterated the feedback that had come through from the submissions: Build this and build it now.

A full breakdown of the 2023-24 Annual Plan Consultation Document and comments can be found on the agenda.

The council also agreed to a recommendation from the Cromwell Community Board on the draft 2023-24 Annual Plan that the council consider including Cromwell’s Sandflat Road in its road sealing programme.

Council also noted the previous resolution from the April 19 meeting to increase the water supply operational budget for 2023-24 by $310,445.40. This increase reflects the new monitoring and sampling drinking water requirement required by the Drinking Water Quality Assurances Rules which came into force on 14 November 2022.

The 2023-24 Annual Plan will be presented at the June 28, 2023 council meeting for adoption.


Cromwell Pool to benefit from proposed reallocation


Cromwell Pool may receive an unexpected funding boost with a last-minute inclusion in Central Otago District Council’s Three Waters Better Off Funding projects.


At the meeting on Wednesday, council considered the Three Waters Better Off Funding project update.


On April 13, 2023, Minister of Local Government Kieran McAnulty announced changes to the water services reforms; that the government had decided not to move ahead with the $1.5B Tranche 2 Better off Funding.


The council had a number of projects earmarked through the Tranche 1 funding. This included the $50,000 set aside for Iwi/Māori Engagement for Tranche 2 funding. However, as this was now no longer going ahead, council approved a reallocation of the $50,000 to the Cromwell Sand Filter Project for the Cromwell Pool.


An application to reallocate the funding will be made to the Department of Internal Affairs.