Aimee Wilson
28 January 2025, 4:45 PM
Rocket man Sir Peter Beck has given the Cromwell Lions Club a substantial boost to help build its new emergency rescue helicopter helipad.
Cromwell Community Emergency Helipad project organiser Pete Moen said Sir Peter read about the project in December and contacted the group, but the amount he has given was confidential.
The $80,000 project was a joint initiative with the Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust and the Central Otago District Council, and the new donations, including from other local businesses, meant the Lions club was full steam ahead with its construction.
“We definitely live in a community of givers,” he said.
The Beck Foundation was the principal sponsor and Pete said the Rocket Lab founder had a strong interest in the area.
“The Beck Foundation’s generous donation has allowed this project to progress much faster than anticipated.”
The Otago Rescue Helicopters will soon be able to land at a proper $80,000 facility in Cromwell. FILE SHOT
Cheeki Cheeries also organised a charity day with proceeds donated to the helipad, along with organisers of the recent Cromwell Classic Car & Hot Rod Festival - who gave money from a raffle.
A local golf tournament has been organised for March 25, and prior to Christmas the Cromwell Lions already had $33,600 in products and services from other local businesses, Pete said.
“Cromwell Lions is extremely grateful to all who have shown an interest in making the emergency helipad a reality. Such a positive reaction to this project is a testament to the make-it-happen attitude of our community. To all of you, thank you.”
Aviation lights and the windsock would be ordered for the new site at the Cromwell Aerodrome.
The rescue helicopters currently landed on the grass at the northern end of the airstrip, and patients were transferred from an ambulance, which was not helpful because of the uneven surface.
The new emergency helipad needed a 12m diameter concrete area to land and separate area for ambulances to park, eight specialised aviation perimeter lights, an illuminated windsock, as well as fencing and signage.
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