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Right royal shout out to recognise volunteers

The Central App

07 May 2023, 5:30 PM

Right royal shout out to recognise volunteersDunstan Rural Fire Brigade volunteers.

The efforts of Kiwi volunteers will be recognised during a special ‘Big Shout Out’ next month to mark the coronation of King Charles.

“New Zealand’s events reflect the coronation themes of commitment to sustainability, the environment, and to the efforts of volunteers,” Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector Priyanca Radhakrishnan said.

The government has a major programme of native tree planting underway, and next up New Zealand will mark the volunteering theme during National Volunteer Week (June 18 - 24).

The government will support Volunteering New Zealand to celebrate at volunteer centres throughout the week. Kiwis will also be encouraged to ‘shout out’ their local volunteers, either in person or via social media.

“We all know people who generously give their time, energy and expertise to causes they believe in,” Priyanca said.

“The Big Shout Out will be about recognising and thanking those volunteers doing what may sometimes seem like thankless tasks.

“The reality is that they’re the backbone of our society. For example, 90 per cent of our community organisations are entirely volunteer run.”

Volunteers are the backbone of our society

Around 50 per cent of Kiwis volunteer in some way and their efforts can range from being first responders in emergencies, working to conserve the environment, or to support individuals and families who are struggling.

“The severe weather events at the beginning of this year saw the best of volunteering at the front line. National Volunteer Week 2023 will be a time we can reflect on these efforts and the role they play to strengthen our communities,” Priyanca said.

“The Big Shout Out is an excellent opportunity to show how much we value our volunteers. I hope everyone will play a part in giving volunteers a right royal shout out this year.”