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Central youth show little interest in coronation

The Central App

Emily Attfield - Cadet

07 May 2023, 5:45 PM

Central youth show little interest in coronationKing Charles III’s coronation took place on Saturday

While the coronation may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience which some people will watch avidly, Central Otago youth have a different perspective.

There has been little to no talk about the coronation at local schools and the coronation seems to have gone under young people’s radar. 

Prior to the King's coronation on Saturday (May 6) the Central App surveyed 10 young Central Otago people to ask their thoughts. 

Four out of 10 people said they understood the significance of the event but none of the respondents said they would watch the coronation. 

The results echo a changing attitude towards the monarchy in New Zealand. 

Former prime minister Jacinda Ardern speculated that New Zealand would eventually become a republic and drop the British monarch as its head of state. 

Local youth seem to agree.

“I don’t really think we need to be associated with the British monarchy,” one respondent said. 

“They don’t really provide us with any benefits.” 

Another said: “It’s a whole lot of excitement over nothing, why do we even need a royal family?”

But not everyone had a negative view of the monarchy. 

“I like the monarchy more for the sense of tradition. Since we have a fairly neutral relationship with the royal family I think we might as well keep it,” one person said. 

A 2022 poll by Newshub shows a similar divide of feelings amongst New Zealanders.

The poll asked: “When Queen Elizabeth is no longer Queen, should New Zealand break away from the Commonwealth and become a republic?” 

Forty-eight per cent said no, they would prefer to remain, and 36.4 per cent said yes.