The Central App

Pushing play on new CODC/App info button

The Central App

13 February 2025, 4:29 PM

Pushing play on new CODC/App info buttonPHOTO: Hannah Busing/Unsplash

Love thy neighbour.


It’s Valentine’s Day - a global celebration of romantic love.

But what about those who are experiencing loneliness, the new epidemic of our time? Maybe it’s time to reframe how we think of this 2000-year-old tradition and see this as a time to reach out to those who are isolated, not only our nearest and dearest; a time to connect with our neighbours, welcome our newcomers.

Research shows us that inclusive communities are stronger and safer; they also boost economic growth, consolidate trust, and enhance public health.

With this mind, The Central App and Welcoming Communities are excited to launch the beginnings of a new information platform called New to Central, to help newcomers navigate the challenges of relocation.

For this guide to be fully comprehensive, we need the community to get on board and tell us what needs to be included.

This is a work in progress, so please take a look (find it under The Central App community button) and give us your feedback in the survey