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Positive meeting on Clyde road closure

The Central App

Anna Robb

17 June 2024, 5:45 PM

Positive meeting on Clyde road closureWorks on Sunderland St are to build new footpaths, replace the old underground water pipe and install an additional water supply pipe. PHOTO: Supplied

Forty people attended a public meeting about the infrastructure works on Clyde’s Sunderland St at Recharge Bar last Wednesday night. 

Clyde business owners and residents heard from Central Otago District Council (CODC) project manager Dan Kirkman and others delivering the infrastructure works, including contractor Fulton Hogan.

The meeting was initiated by owner of Recharge Bar on Sunderland St, Gareth Watt, who told The Central App last week, he had lost a morning of trading due to the road closure.

CODC councillor Tamah Alley, CODC community and engagement manager Paula Penno, Business South Central Otago (BSCO) chairperson Dewald de Beer, and Fulton Hogan manager Carly Hamlin all attended the formal part of the meeting, which went for an hour.

Dewald said the overall tone of the meeting was positive and the impacted businesses were “real people who needed real answers” and an opportunity to be heard.

“I commend Gareth for calling the meeting.”

Dewald said there were steps agreed, which should help information flow including more consistent email updates, simplified communications and a promise to give people a project plan with defined dates.

Potential parking on land across the road was also going to be investigated and could improve the parking situation for impacted businesses.

Dan said the meeting went better than expected.

“People in the room who wanted to engage got their questions answered.”

Questions covered why the road is closed and no work is happening on certain days, and whether there was a possibility of working during weekends and nights.

Dan said CODC had previously consulted about out of hours work and the decision was made not to impact guests staying in nearby accommodation. 

He said CODC would be making adjustments to the project’s communication strategy to broaden the audience group, replicate information in other public ways and continue with the fortnightly emails to businesses and interested parties.

A follow up community meeting may be held in a month’s time if people are interested.

Contact [email protected] to be added to the email list.

Recharge Bar owner Gareth Watt could not be reached for comment prior to deadline.

Read more: Clyde cafe owner calls meeting on road closure