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Parenting programme to support Central families

The Central App

Alexia Anderson

04 January 2024, 4:45 PM

Parenting programme to support Central familiesYoung families are the focus of an upcoming parenting programme. PHOTO: Presbyterian Support

A popular programme to help parents and caregivers across Central build a healthy relationship with their child will return in the coming months.

The Incredible Years Parenting Programme, taking place in Wānaka from March, is open to people throughout Central Otago who want to develop strategies to better understand and support their child, aged three to eight.

The free programme, held over 14 weeks each Tuesday evening during the school term, is a Family Works Presbyterian Support Otago initiative, which takes place each year, either in Alexandra, Cromwell or Wānaka.

It provides practical step-by-step suggestions for parents and caregivers to handle everyday family situations, including strategies to help manage challenging behaviours and have a better understanding of their child.

A spokesperson for the programme said the most common themes the course supports people through are parental separation, anxiety and having two working parents due to the cost of living.

She said the programme follows the same format each year, but discussion amongst group members reflects the challenges that arise for people, which are relevant to today.

The course provides an encouraging and supportive group learning environment. It also offers individual support throughout the 14-week programme, or ongoing support following it.

“It also provides a space for parents to gain the skills and knowledge to strengthen their relationship with their children and be able to have a kete (basket) of tools to utilise in a variety of situations.”

She said there are many benefits that come from taking part. While both parents are encouraged to attend, it is still beneficial if only one can make it.

“[Outcomes include] less challenges for parents/caregivers, they have a better understanding of the emotional needs and developmental stages of their children [and] children develop strategies for emotional regulation through a positive relationship with parents/caregivers.”

Feedback from previous participants has been positive.

“People have enjoyed getting to know other parents and to know that they are not alone in their parenting journey. Everyone takes away something different from the course and despite it being 14 weeks, each week builds on the next,” she said.

“Parents/caregivers have also reported a greater understanding of their child and a greater self-awareness as a parent.”

Anyone wanting to attend can talk to the organisers if travel or childcare costs are an issue.

The 2024 programme will take place from March at the Wānaka Community Hub, 34 McDougall St, on Tuesdays from 6pm to 8.30pm.

The course will be offered in either Alexandra or Cromwell in 2025.

For more information and to enrol call Sharleen on 0508 396 678, text 021 244 7756 or email [email protected]

To learn more about Family Works, visit The Central App’s community button.