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ORC urges caution on water use

The Central App

13 January 2024, 4:30 PM

ORC urges caution on water useLow levels in the Manuherekia River in 2023. PHOTO: Supplied

Central Otago residents are being urged to consider water conservation over the next few weeks, with many waterways experiencing low flows.

The Otago Regional Council said the low flows puts additional stress on the waterways and their ecological values, including the Manuherekia, Lindis, Taieri, Cardrona, Shag, and Waiwera catchments.


Other monitoring locations are also near low flow situations. When minimum flows are hit, consent holders must cease taking water.

ORC’s acting general manager regulatory Jo Gilroy said while there was a small amount of rain in the immediate forecast, it was unlikely to be enough to make a substantial

difference to river levels over the long term. 

The longer-term weather outlook was also for generally hot dry conditions, she said.


“If the current dry period continues for an extended period, particularly in the driest parts of inland Otago, we’ll continue to see a number of rivers run low, so we’re asking people to take practical steps now to reduce water use.”


Jo said council staff in the particularly dry Manuherekia catchment, for example, had been out walking the river checking for adverse effects on the in-stream values.


“ORC staff are preparing; we are discussing water use, updating contacts and sharing where members of that community can find information. We know this is a stressful time for people and are ensuring they have the information they need to make decisions.


“The regulatory data team has been phoning or emailing holders of consents in all the catchments that have gone into low flows, as well as monitoring telemetered water takes daily. Members of our environmental monitoring team are out weekly to all the low flow reference sites checking the state of the rivers at those points and checking the accuracy of the flow data,” she said.


“Landowners are listening and acting, and we are pleased to see some communities are taking control of the situation themselves and grouping together to manage water. We would like to acknowledge their important work. “


The ORC may need to consider a water shortage direction if low river levels continue. If this became necessary, this measure would be forecast and communicated ahead of time so landowners can prepare,” Jo said.


A water shortage direction is where councils ask people to restrict, suspend or share taking water, as occurred during very dry conditions in Southland in 2022.

Taking the more challenging step of a water shortage direction is possible under the Resource Management Act.

Jo said this is one tool in the toolbox, but that through continued great work by Otago’s water users and wider community, hopefully they can take steps now to conserve water to avoid this step.


“Communities should be planning now for how they are going to ensure they have feed for their stock over winter.”

Jo said landowners should ensure they maintain efficiencies around stockwater infrastructure such as checking for leaks. 


“For those that can still irrigate, it is common sense to stick to good practice principles, such as maintaining suitable irrigation depths and irrigating at times of day when water is more likely to be absorbed."

She said those in urban areas are encouraged to follow the water use restrictions in place by their local council and be mindful of their water use as well.