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NZ filmmaker visits Central Cinema

The Central App

Rachel Jones

03 November 2022, 5:00 PM

NZ filmmaker visits Central CinemaRebecca Tansley at Central Cinema this week

NZ writer, director and producer Rebecca Tansley screened her short film The Finding and discussed it with Central Cinema members on Tuesday (November 1). 

The Finding was shot locally in the Ida Valley so Rebecca was thrilled to be able to show it to a Central audience, though not without trepidation as, she said, “local audiences can be the harshest critics”. 

The short movie tells the story of a young girl and her estranged father and the secret between them. 

Moving and atmospheric, it offers the promise of redemption, and audience members were drawn to both main characters, Sanders and Lucy.

It’s a story Rebecca has “had in her head” for a long time and she worked on the screenplay over a number of years. Securing a range of funding sources enabled the independent film to come to fruition over the pandemic.

“Everything aligned in the end,” Rebecca said. 

Call back auditions were conducted over Zoom during lockdown, level three lockdown lifted just as shooting needed to start, and on the very last day of location scouting the perfect farm was found at Rough Ridge. 

Auckland-based Rebecca spent 15 years in Dunedin during her career in various media and feels a strong tie to Otago. 

“I fell in love with the Central Otago landscape and the region, not to mention the wine,” Rebecca said. 

“This story was always going to be set in the Ida Valley.”

Audience members were impressed with the distinctive feel of the movie, cultivated by Rebecca’s decision to shoot in 16mm film. It was a decision that came with challenges as the film is expensive; shooting is limited by the amount of film available; and transporting exposed film via plane involves careful negotiation with airport security.

Rebecca Tansley - Filmmaker.

The haunting score also captivated the audience and Rebecca acknowledged that “a strong musical thread” runs through her work.

Rebecca participated in a question-and-answer session on the night after the audience had viewed the movie. Her insights into movie making and sharing of some spoilers gave the audience a fresh perspective. The Finding was then rescreened so viewers could look for the aspects Rebecca had highlighted. 

Both the movie and Rebecca’s engagement delighted Central Cinema’s audience who now look forward to seeing her future work. 

At the close of the night, a retired local farming couple complimented Rebecca on her accurate portrayal of life in the Ida Valley – a clear sign she had won over those harsh local critics. 

The poster for The Finding