The Central App

NZ curlers launch crowdfunding campaign

The Central App

Anna Robb

03 February 2023, 4:45 PM

NZ curlers launch crowdfunding campaign NZ curlers (back row, from left): Ben Smith, Ruby Kinney, Hunter Walker, Jess Smith, Anton Hood and (front row, from left) Natalie Thurlow, Nelson Ede (women’s coach), Holly Thompson, Brett Sargon, Bridget Becker and Peter deBoer (men’s coach)

New Zealand’s curlers are launching a ‘boosted sport’ fundraiser to help with travel for teams heading to the World Curling Championships.

The New Zealand’s women's team has qualified for the first time and will travel to Sandviken, Sweden, in March to compete against the world’s top curling nations.

The men’s team has qualified for the first time in 11 years and will head to Ottawa, Canada, in April. 

New Zealand Curling Association (NZCA) secretary and administrator Lauren Becker said athletes do not receive funding from sporting organisations to assist their international representation as curling is a minority sport in New Zealand.

“As a non-profit organisation run by volunteers NZCA can only provide a small contribution.

“You can pledge the amount of money you think is right for you and/or your business,” Lauren said.


The nine athletes and two coaches travelling are targeting $20,000 for the month-long campaign. 

Scan this QR code to get to the campaign

Both men’s and women’s teams qualified at the Pan Continental Championships (PCC) in Canada in November 2022. 

Many members of the kiwi teams have strong ties with Central, and are living here currently or grew up here, including Ruby Kinney (Hyde), Bridget Becker (Patearoa), Natalie Thurlow (Becks), Holly Thompson (Ranfurly), Jess Smith (Naseby), Hunter Walker (Kyeburn) and Ben Smith, Anton Hood and women’s coach Nelson Ede (Naseby).

Women’s skip Jess Smith returned to international competition following successful treatment for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma last year.

Bridget and Holly in action during the PCC tournament. PHOTO: World Curling Federation

The Kiwi men have played at five World Championships since their first appearance in 1999, most recently in 2012. 

It will be the first-ever appearance for a New Zealand women's side.

Curling dates back to the mid-19th century from the lakes and ponds in Central.  

Lauren said the game is expanding; there are three dedicated rinks in the South Island and a proposal for a rink in Auckland. 

NZCA is looking for a long-term sponsor.

Find the Boosted Sport campaign here.