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Mayor's column: AI ignites vision for progress

The Central App

Mayor Tim Cadogan - Opinion

24 August 2024, 5:30 PM

Mayor's column: AI ignites vision for progressCentral Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan. PHOTO: File

This week, I had the privilege of attending an exclusive seminar hosted by the Central App featuring the brilliant Kelly Slessor.

The topic? Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential for businesses.

As the mayor of Central Otago, I’ve always been keen on exploring innovative solutions to enhance our community. And let me tell you, this seminar was an eye-opener.

Kelly Slessor, an ecommerce coach and digital marketing expert, brings over 20 years of retail experience to the table.

Her passion for retail growth and her deep understanding of AI technology make her a force to be reckoned with. But what struck me most was her ability to demystify AI, making it accessible even to non-techies like me.

Here are some key takeaways from the seminar:

  • AI Is Not Science Fiction: It’s Reality Kelly emphasized that AI isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a practical tool that can revolutionize businesses. From personalized shopping experiences to predictive analytics, AI is already shaping our world. As a mayor, I see immense potential for AI in improving public services, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing citizen engagement.

  • Google Is Our Front Door Kelly’s words hit home. In this digital age, our online presence matters more than ever. Just as a well-maintained front door invites visitors, a strong online presence attracts customers. SEO, personalization, and user-friendly interfaces—all powered by AI—can open doors to success.

  • Personalization Is Neuroscience Kelly’s insight into personalization fascinated me. It’s not just about addressing customers by their first name; it’s about understanding their preferences, anticipating their needs, and tailoring experiences. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to create hyper-personalized interactions.

  • Own the Experience, Not the Customer.  Kelly challenged the traditional notion of customer ownership. Instead, she urged businesses to focus on enhancing the customer experience. AI enables us to create seamless, delightful interactions across channels, leaving lasting impressions.

As I sat there, surrounded by fellow business leaders, I realised that AI isn’t a distant future — it’s here, and it’s shaping our present.

Kelly’s expertise and practical insights left me inspired.

Central Otago, too, can harness AI to improve tourism, agriculture, and community services.

So, thank you, Kelly Slessor, for demystifying AI and empowering us to embrace its potential.

As I return to my mayoral duties, I carry with me a renewed vision — one where AI isn’t just a tool but a partner in progress.

DISCLOSURE - this column was written entirely by Microsoft’s Co-Pilot AI responding to the command “write me a 400 word column in the style of Tim Cadogan, mayor of Central Otago, on attending an AI seminar last week hosted by the Central App featuring Kelly Slessor".

To hear about AI from Kelly, listen to this week's edition of The Outlet podcast. and read AI seminar empowers Central businesses