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The Central App

Mamma Mia cast ready to entertain

The Central App

Anna Robb

20 September 2023, 5:30 PM

Mamma Mia cast ready to entertain Pictured (back row, from left) are some of Mamma Mia’s cast and crew: Tatum Montecastillo (24), Claudia Hammond (18), Mika Tait (17), Archie Reid (15), Connor McDowall (17); and front row Annabelle Beange (17), and Caitlin Staples (24). PHOTO: The Central App

More than 50 people have dedicated months to learning lines and songs, perfecting costumes and building a giant jigsaw to be the set for Alexandra Musical Society’s (AMS) production of Mamma Mia. 

The show’s season runs from Saturday September 23 until Friday September 29 and tickets sales have been strong with two shows already sold out.

Caitlin Staples, who plays Ali, said the mix of ages and broad experience of the people involved was “helpful and hard at the same time”.

“We’re confident though and more excited than nervous for opening night.”

Caitlin said her involvement stemmed from curiosity and a love of ABBA’s music. 

Youngest cast member 15-year-old Archie Reid, who plays Eddie, said it was a step up to perform at this level from children's theatre and school shows. 

Connor McDowall is the ‘show caller’, providing direction and managing the event live 

including lighting, performers, music and sound technicians for each show.

Connor said it’s only the second main AMS production he has been involved in but he’s loving it and will keep pursuing theatre as a hobby in the future.

“I find I learn so much being here. I’ve learnt a lot from Bryan [Aitken], our director.”

Cast members touching up makeup and getting into their Greek peasant village costumes. PHOTO: The Central App 

AMS secretary Dona Foley said the cast and crew were making the most of Christchurch based Bryan’s directing as he is due to retire soon. 

Local choreographer Karen Meissel has masterminded the onstage moves. 

Bill Biggar, who plays Bill Austin (one of the dads in Mamma Mia), has not been on stage since he was nine, and was not going to audition initially as he was there with youngsters who were trying out. 

Many people in the community and local businesses have contributed in a variety of ways to bring the show to the stage at Skird St’s Alexandra Memorial Theatre. See the list of supporters here.

The production has received financial support from Pub Charity, Aotearoa Gaming Trust, and Otago Community Trust. 

The orchestra at rehearsal, led by musical director and recently capped Doctor of Music (University of Otago) Sam van Betuw. Sam conducts the show and plays keyboard. PHOTO: The Central App  

The Central App visited a dress rehearsal and talked to cast members, production crew, backing singers and the backstage ‘quick change’ helpers. 

It was clear “it takes a village” for a show of this magnitude and quality to come together. 

AMS has performed shows in Central since 1957, so to borrow a line from ABBA: “thank you for the music”.

Tickets are online or in person from Alexandra Community House.