Alexia Anderson
13 September 2024, 5:30 PM
It’s official – florries will remain a feature of this year’s Alexandra Blossom Festival Grand Procession.
A last-minute influx of entries has saved the iconic float segment from being pulled from the upcoming event, ensuring the tradition lives on.
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Volunteers needed for Alexandra Blossom Festival
Late last month, the Alexandra Blossom Festival committee made an urgent call for more florry registrations, after they had received just one entry by August 31.
Thanks to the community's quick response, the parade will once again showcase the vibrant, decorated floats that have long been a hallmark of the celebration.
Festival event manager Martin McPherson thanked those who answered the call.
“We’re so pleased we’ve now got some florries in the procession, including one from as far away as Cromwell.”
Florries are a small float made on a New World shopping trolley and have been a popular way for small groups and families to be involved in the Blossom Festival for almost a decade.
Mayor Tim Cadogan gets amongst the florry action at an earlier Alexandra Blossom Festival event. PHOTO: Clare Toia-Bailey / Image Central
There are now about eight florries registered, which will be decorated over the coming weeks in time to be pushed through the main street of Alexandra during the popular grand procession.
A range of events are planned for the 67th Alexandra Blossom Festival, which takes place from August 27 to 28.
To find out more click on the Blossom Festival button on The Central App.