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DHS students focused on international sporting goals

The Central App

Anna Robb

16 May 2024, 5:45 PM

DHS students focused on international sporting goalsOllie Goldsmith, Cooper Millwood and Eddie Adams are heading to Europe to pursue their sporting goals. PHOTO: The Central App

Three close friends, who bonded while attending Dunstan High School (DHS), will each wear the silver fern on the world stage in the next couple of months.

Ollie Goldsmith (17) leaves today (May 17) to paddle in the under 18 World Championships for kayak slalom to be held in Liptovsky, Slovakia. He’ll also spend time training in the Czech Republic and racing in Germany during his second trip to Europe for kayaking.

Cooper Millwood (17) departs on May 24 for the under 18 mountain biking (MTB) enduro world series held in Austria, France and Switzerland. He has financed his European trip on his own, leaving school to work full time at Central Organics for the past few months.

Eddie (18) Adams will depart Alexandra on June 23, bound for under 18 MTB cross country MTB races in Spain, France, Andorra and Switzerland.

The trio will all be away from home, school and work for eight weeks, requiring a lot of planning, dedication, training and careful management of their finances.

The final youngster from their group of friends is former DHS student Jack Sisson, who has moved to Mount Aspiring College this year to undertake the outdoor programme.

Ollie said having their solid friendship group right through high school had been a constant in their lives. 

DHS teacher and Eddie’s mum Nic Kelly said the boys “know what they want and all have plans in place” to set themselves up for their sport and academic futures.

Eddie moved to Central at the end year eight, met Cooper and Ollie and formed a friendship straightaway.

Three of a kind; Ollie, Eddie and Cooper. PHOTO: The Central App

Nic said on the first day Eddie met his buddies they went off on their bikes at 10am and did not return home until 5.30pm when they were hungry.

“It was the same every weekend, they’d head to the hills.” 

“In the initial days they would spend all day out the back biking, eating garlic bread . . . and hanging out. It is so interesting that they have all pushed to the top of their sports in New Zealand.

“I think it is a unique story of friendship, support and courage to put themselves out there.”

Pictured are (from left) Eddie, Ollie, Cooper and Jack on a weekend mountain biking trip to Dunedin. PHOTO: Supplied 

Nic said the teenagers were introverted and liked their own space, but could chat together like a bunch of old men at times. 

“Having each other has enabled them to be happy in their own skin through their teenage years. It has enabled them to strive academically and to have the courage to follow their dreams.”

Although they were often on their own training for their respective sports, “they know exactly who is doing what from STRAVA”, an app which allows people to train, track and share their progress.

“They are just so passionate, they don't take a lot of supporting.”

The Central App will update readers about how their races go in Europe. 

Read more: Alexandra mountain biker campaigning for Europe trip

Learn more about Eddie’s six hour fundraiser here.