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Council saves dollars from Cornish Point decision

The Central App

Aimee Wilson

05 February 2024, 4:30 PM

Council saves dollars from Cornish Point decisionCODC, last week, made a decision to keep Cornish Point Rd unsealed saving ratepayers $400.000. PHOTO

Cornish Point Rd will remain unsealed, saving ratepayers $400,000, and a decrease in carpark numbers over summer suggests it’s the right move.

The Central Otago District Council has rescinded its resolution to seal the road, and at its meeting last week staff talked about future developments of the biking network through to Gibbston, likely to put more pressure on the Bannockburn Bridge carpark instead. 

Council’s road sealing policy is guided by traffic volumes, with a minimum threshold set at an average of more than 150 vehicles daily. 

Traffic counts conducted over the Christmas holiday season revealed an average daily count of  just 147 vehicles. 

The road services 12 lots, including vineyards and residential dwellings, and in June 2022 council applied for un-subsidised funding following increased traffic volumes after the opening of the Lake Dunstan Trail.

Despite 84,000 users in its first year, usage of the Cornish Point parking area has significantly declined after three years, and council chief executive Peter Kelly recommended the planned work be stopped.

A council staffer told the meeting last week that with the introduction of more biking trails around Central Otago, the usage of carparks across the network would spread out the numbers.

The council will have conversations with cycle trail groups to establish the impact around Bannockburn, and how best to prepare for that.