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The Central App

Christmas tree set to dazzle in Ranfurly

The Central App

Alexia Anderson

27 November 2023, 5:38 PM

Christmas tree set to dazzle in RanfurlyA range of people turned out to help decorate Ranfurly's new Christmas tree at the weekend. PHOTO: Janyne Fletcher

A five metre tall Christmas tree is set to become the centrepiece of Ranfurly this festive season.

The tree was installed and decorated on the green outside the railway station on Sunday, thanks to a team of helpers, including Fulton Hogan staff and members of the Maniototo Lions Club.

Janyne Fletcher, who is leading the project, said everyone’s help had been appreciated.

The idea for a large Christmas tree was floated by Sheryl Edwards in July 2021.

“Then it was really late last year that we really started to get cracking with fundraising. So, it’s pretty much been a year of fairly intense activity on it.”

She said the concept was strongly supported by both businesses and individuals who had given “really generous” amounts of money towards the $20,000 project, which included shipping the tree from overseas.

“We had significant sponsorship from Maniototo 4 Square and ICL Accountants and also Burn Radio.”

Smaller donations had also assisted in getting the project over the line.

“The thing that really surprised me is I thought - a Christmas tree - that could be quite hard to get people to support it because it’s a bit different to giving money to the helicopter, which really benefits the community,” Janyne said.

“But, it’s the sort of project that gives the community a really nice boost and for children.”

Janyne thanked the many people who helped get the tree ready for its launch, including tree builders, branch fluffers and lighting specialists.

Installing the Ranfurly Christmas tree ahead of its official launch. PHOTO: Janyne Fletcher

The tree’s lights will be turned on for the first time on Friday, December 1, at 7pm, during the Maniototo Christmas Fest and 125th birthday celebrations.

This festive season, The Central App will feature a list of addresses of homes and businesses that will be decorated for Christmas.

People can register their home or business by visiting the Aurora Energy Light Up Central button.

The list of addresses will go live on December 4, so you can follow the trail of decorated homes over the festive season.