15 December 2024, 4:30 PM
A Bannockburn local lost in battle has been commemorated with a street named in his honour.
Flight Lieutenant Colin Campbell was lost in a raid over France during World War II.
He attended primary school in Bannockburn and walked near a track located between Lynn Lane and Schoolhouse Road track with his schoolmate, James Lynn, who also died in the war and has a nearby street named after him.
At its meeting last week, the Cromwell Community Board discussed the naming of the previously unnamed track Campbell Lane after a request in June from the Campbell family.
Map of the area in Bannockburn. SUPPLIED.
The family believed naming the track after Mr Campbell would appropriately honour his legacy and the area’s history. The track has existed for a number of years, and no alternative names have been suggested during that time.
The name ‘Campbell Track’ was originally suggested, however, was changed to ‘lane’, because it aligned better with the other nearby place names, and a similar place name Campbells Track already exists in the Teviot Valley.
The public was invited to give feedback on the name and Council staff engaged with Aukaha and confirmed the open space was not ‘of significance’ and therefore no te reo Māori had been provided.
This was the first open space named since the Open Spaces Naming Policy came into effect in January 2024 and celebrates placemaking by storytelling.