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Understand how you and your business are impacting climate change, and what you can do about it.
Understand how you and your business are impacting climate change, and what you can do about it.

14 October 2021, 10:09 PM

The psyche of many kiwis is that we have a minimal impact on climate because we are a small country, when in fact what we do here is having a significant impact, not just locally but globally. New Zealand’s efforts to reduce emissions are rated as highly insufficient, alongside India, China and Canada. We are among the top 10 highest emitters of greenhouse gases per capita, at 16.9 tonnes of CO2e. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and synthetic gases. If the entire world were to live like us, we would need 2.7 earths to sustain the planet. So where do our emissions come from? How we move (transport), what we eat (agriculture) and what we buy (manufacturing). The higher the emissions in the sector, the more urgent it is to decarbonise. Our decisions not only have a direct impact on how hot this planet will get, they also will have a direct relationship to the extent to which these decisions will hit our wallets. Between 2007 and 2017, the impacts of floods and droughts are estimated to have cost New Zealanders $840 million in insured damages and economic losses alone. This year, the price of carbon has skyrocketed this year to about $65 per tonne, a figure experts were not predicting would happen before 2030. If we don’t drastically reduce our emissions on exported goods, we will be exposing ourselves to possible carbon tariffs on exports. There is also the very real risk of reputational damage to businesses that don’t act. As a large per capita emitter reliant on export income, we need to start acting. Decarbonising our economy is becoming a top priority for businesses.With COP26 just around the corner, and our government’s plan (2020 national determined contributions) submitted to the global effort deemed by Climate Action Tracker as highly insufficient, businesses can and are leading change to decarbonise the economy, but we need to ramp it up.First step, get upskilled. Whether you own a business, are a farmer, a builder, or want to understand how you can create change at the individual level, there are tools for measuring what your impact is, identifying ways to reduce, and working with others to get our emissions down. Confused about what even a carbon footprint is? The workshops are led by IPCC Lead Author, and Hāwea local, Dr. Carly Green, who breaks down the science, allowing you to understand what it all means and how it affects you. Carbon calculation workshops include:HouseholdsBuildingAgricultureBusiness Goods, Retail and Hospitality Business, Services and Tourism OperatorsAll you need to participate is to bring your device and your electricity bills for the year and an estimate of kilometers travelled and weigh your waste for a week. So join us at the Wao Summit 2021 from October 26-31 and be inspired. This is your future. Tickets at

What do we do about construction waste? (Wao Blog)
What do we do about construction waste? (Wao Blog)

14 October 2021, 7:06 PM

What's the problem?The construction and demolition (C&D) industry is one of the largest waste producing industries in New Zealand. It is estimated that C&D waste may represent up to 50% of all waste generated in New Zealand.In the Queenstown Lakes District, each new house construction generates up to five tonnes of waste, which is the equivalent of three to four standard skip bins that end up in landfill. This volume increases significantly when demolition is involved. Recent analysis observed an average of 226 tonnes of construction and demolition waste being thrown away per week at the Victoria Flats landfill. This C&D waste is estimated to account for approximately 30% of all material sent to landfill in the district.Why is so much waste produced? Often times it comes down to cost. Many building companies are under the pump, working on fixed price contracts with their subcontractors working on an hourly rate, so anything that eats into the building company's margins (like sorting waste) is not a priority.Where do we want to be?The goal is to have zero waste building sites. At the 2019 Summit, 100% of the participants in the Building Better survey thought C&D waste was a problem. The wasted energy in producing materials for landfill is contributing to our warming planet, using up valuable resources, and at the end of the day the consumer is paying for materials that end up in skips.How will we get there?Applying the Waste Hierarchy is a good place to start, even the simplified version of reduce, reuse and recycle will get us a long way in decreasing the amount of valuable materials that are currently sent to landfill.Reduce - produce less waste in the first place. While C&D waste is actually created by contractors on site, the decisions made during the design and planning phases have a major influence on the type and amount of waste generated.Reuse - reusing existing buildings and materials as much as possible in your project is the next best way to reduce waste. This includes materials removed during site clearance and demolition, scrap generated on site and materials salvaged from other jobs.Recycle - resources that are left over or have reached the end of their useful life should be recycled where possible. Separate materials that can be recycled, and dispose of other materials safely.Want to find out more? ● Watch how the Queenstown Lakeview Site recently achieved more than 86% diversion from landfill.● We have a construction waste minimisation workshops series coming up at the Wao Summit 2021.Check outConstruction Waste 101 Workshop: What's The Problem,Construction Waste 102 Workshop: Setting Up A Plan andConstruction Waste 103 Workshop: Designing Out Waste (20 CPD points available)● Get fully immersed in the future of building at the Wao Summit 2021 with the Better Building Pass.The Wao Summit is a six day annual event held in Wānaka. Its aim is to inspire, educate and enable our transition as a community and nation to a healthy, thriving, diverse, carbon zero community. Tickets on sale now at

Wao Blog: Redefining Capitalism
Wao Blog: Redefining Capitalism

14 October 2021, 7:03 PM

The Oxford Dictionary defines Capitalism as “An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.” The pillars of capitalism are free markets, encouraging the accumulation of private wealth and using growth as the yardstick for success. This system could have worked if we lived in a world with infinite resources and we had a counter balance in the system to iron out inequalities. But that’s not the world we live in.New Zealand is currently using nature 2.7 times faster than our planet’s biocapacity can regenerate. As the latest IPCC AR6 Report outlines, our global response to tackling greenhouse gas emissions has so far failed. Wealth is concentrated in the few with the wealthiest 1% of households owning 20% and the poorest 50% owning just 1.7% of the cumulative wealth of our country. The failure of the system to tackle these big problems is prompting many to question the system. What is the purpose of our economy? How best can we use wealth to create a thriving ecosystem for humans and all other species? We live in a natural system, with finite resources and any economic system has to operate within these boundaries. A number of movements have arisen to see how this can be done including regenerative capitalism, doughnut economics,the advent of the circular economy and the rise of the impact investment movement. Increasingly, private capital, from philanthropic to investment and debt capital, is dependent not only on economic benefits, but also increasingly stringent environmental and social outcomes. Earlier this year, Aotearoa New Zealand became the first country in the world to introduce a law that requires the financial sector to disclose the impacts of climate change on their business and explain how they will manage climate-related risks and opportunities. How we use public money is also changing. The government's Wellbeing approach to our national budget is based on the four capitals: human, natural, social, and financial and physical capital, and 12 domains of wellbeing, such as housing and social connections.The Oxford dictionary began as a means, not only to trace the historical development of the English language but also define the principles and ideas that underpin our society. Words count for more than letters on a page. It’s probably time that we wrote to the editor to relook at the definition of the world's capital and capitalism to encompass its purpose as a means to help nourish a thriving planet and people. Want to find out more?Get tickets to Capitalism Redefined and the Know Your Money Workshop at the Wao Summit in October 2021.For ethical investment, head to Mindful Money to check out what you’re investing in.The Wao Summit is a six day annual event held in Wānaka. Its aim is to inspire, educate and enable our transition as a community and nation to a healthy, thriving, diverse, carbon zero community. Tickets on sale now at

Wao blog: The way forward for home building
Wao blog: The way forward for home building

14 October 2021, 6:59 PM

The way we build houses in NZ is making us sick, costing us billions in health care and accelerating us to irreversible, ecological and environmental tipping points. What is the problem?The New Zealand building code is twenty years behind other OECD countries and the worst in the developed world. Ours is the lowest standard a house is legally allowed to be built, and as a result most homes in New Zealand do not meet World Health Organisation standards for internal air temperatures. Take insulation for example. A new build in Dublin requires almost double the amount of insulation of one in Dunedin, despite the two cities having similar climates. Cold, damp and mouldy homes directly contribute to our high incidence of asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Respiratory illnesses are the cause for one in 10 hospitalisations and are our third leading cause of death, costing taxpayers over $7 billion per year. In July 2019 new healthy homes standards were introduced to make rental properties warmer, drier and healthier. The irony however is that homes built to code may be acceptable for owners to live in, but are no longer legal to rent out. The way we build in New Zealand is also setting us back for reaching our greenhouse gas reduction targets. An average house in New Zealand produces seven times the emissions required to meet our carbon targets under the Paris Agreement, with buildings accounting for 20% of New Zealand's total emissions. The Paris Agreement commits us to keeping global warming to under 2°C, but ideally under 1.5°C. We are currently on target for 3°C warming.We need to turn the trajectory around. When we build, we lock in the emissions for the lifetime of the building. We need to construct energy efficient buildings, as close as possible to Passive House Standard. Where do we want to be?We need new buildings to be Net Zero Carbon by 2030 and to make sure operational carbon (energy used to run the house) in all new and existing buildings are Net Zero by 2050. The New Zealand Green Building Council has a road map for how we can achieve that. New standards for the building code will be released in November, but regulatory change will not transition us to healthy, carbon zero homes fast enough. Consumer demand is needed to drive change from the ground up to reduce our emissions and mainstream energy efficient buildings. The pathway is clear. We need to build airtight homes, measure the performance of buildings, and ventilate them properly (such as with Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery Systems (MVHRS)). Passive House Standard is a rigorous, proven standard, with many countries already committed to it. Passive homes use 95% less energy than a house built to code, with studies showing that people living in energy efficient buildings avoid mental stress and increase their productivity via the avoidance of illness. Kainga Ora, New Zealand’s largest landlord is also leading the way for energy efficient buildings, and at scale.Want to find out more?Get tickets to Better Building Events during Wānaka’s 6-day Wao Summit in October 2021.Have a look at The Luggate Hall, QLDC's first passive council building. Check out Passive House NZ and the NZ Superhome Movement.For ideas and inspiration, read the UK’s Net Zero Carbon Tool Kit.The Wao Summit is a six day annual event held in Wānaka. Its aim is to inspire, educate and enable our transition as a community and nation to a healthy, thriving, diverse, carbon zero community. Tickets on sale now at

The future of farming: moving beyond policy and into action (Wao blog)
The future of farming: moving beyond policy and into action (Wao blog)

14 October 2021, 6:53 PM

As biodiversity declines and freshwater sources continue to show high levels of pollution globally, the world is starting to look at different models for food production. Nearly half of our greenhouse gas emissions as a nation are attributed to agriculture and our farmers are at the coal face of a changing climate with food production being impacted by drought, intense storms and flooding events.On a global scale, agriculture is responsible for over 50 percent of the planet's deforestation and 40 percent of biodiversity loss. The industry contributes to 30 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and 70 percent of freshwater use. The data provides a sobering wake-up call, and a shift in the narrative towards how we can produce food, enhance the environment to sustain the generations to come. The food and fibre sector in New Zealand is rising to this challenge and starting to take action on how to buck the trend. In July 2020 a new vision for the primary sector was set out. Developed by industry, government, iwi and stakeholders, Te Taiao sets out a vision that ‘Taia ora, tangata ora: Our natural world and our people are healthy’ with a framework and pathways to get there.  While the farming sector has gone through many pivots over the years, the current rate of change is unprecedented and catchment groups and other organisations such as Wai Wanaka are supporting landowners, providing expertise to accelerate towards adapting to this change.And this change is happening, right here in our backyard. We need to work together, understanding how we all contribute to our vision for the future. To see what our local producers are doing on-farm to move ‘beyond policy’ grab a ticket to the Food & Fibre Farm Tour – a unique opportunity to meet local farmers and see new technologies and systems of working being implemented by passionate people dedicated to moving the primary sector forward. Protecting and enhancing our local biodiversity, working together for Te Mana o te Wai and embracing innovation and diversification are all part of the solution to build a resilient future.To be part of the change and hear more about regenerative food production grab a Food & Fibre Pass at our Wao Summit and be inspired. This is your future. Tickets at

Eco-anxiety and harnessing hope for the future
Eco-anxiety and harnessing hope for the future

01 October 2021, 5:31 PM

Mental health nurse and Wao speaker Sam Rodney-Hudson discusses the rise of eco-anxiety and what you can do to stay positive in the age of overwhelm.Very few argue the fact we are currently living in a climate crisis. The past 20 years have seen a steady increase in natural disasters. Climate change, deforestation, pollution, and species extinction is happening at an alarming rate and there doesn’t seem to be much mahi to slow it down. I made my first donation to Greenpeace when I was 10 and there was no way I was having children due to the state of the world I would leave them to inherit. Youth environmentalism is nothing new but it’s definitely more pressing, as I frequently tell my two children! Governments and leading organisations have failed to act for years, and humanity has rightly  taken it upon itself to raise awareness. The plus side of raising awareness about anything that causes harm is the increased likelihood of change. Behaviour change, legislative change and hopefully paradigm shifts. But the negative side is the knowledge that things out of your control are happening every day and it’s not okay. Social media companies, charged with the task of growth, growth and more growth have found a way to capitalise on our attention by harnessing our outrage and ensuring we stay engaged and on their platforms. So it’s little wonder we are seeing the new, more widespread sense of despair and phenomena of eco-anxiety. Our anxiety is being exploited and sold, it’s a commodity, with information overload intentional. Therapists have reported a significant increase in clients sharing their disturbing concerns about the climate crisis and feeling overwhelmed with sadness and guilt about future decisions like buying a house, travelling and having children. Unsurprisingly, Greta Thunberg’s worldwide movement started with her experiencing a period of sadness and despair, leading her parents to support her to take action. We are all aware of the impact that initially small but ultimately massive global action has had in slowly but surely awakening many. As a mental health nurse, I see eco-anxiety as one of many things we worry about that we have little or no immediate control over. I tend to suggest a focus on transferable skills like resilience, emotional regulation, and taking small steps towards those bigger, seemingly insurmountable, goals. On the bright side, eco-anxiety is born from a genuine concern for the planet and our fellow humans, it shows an awesome level of empathy and kindness for our wider community, Papatūānuku, and the animal kingdom. It’s an opportunity to work together. Climate change really is something we see eye to eye on with our young people and teens.What next?Sam Rodney-Hudson is a Mental Health Nurse, BSc(Hons) Nursing and Mother of two. To hear more from her in the flesh, be sure to head along to the Wao Summit where Sam will be speaking at Harnessing Hope for a Better Future: Mental Health in the Age of Overwhelm alongside Maureen Mooney, Abbas Nazari and Esther Whitehead.The Wao Summit is a six day annual event held in Wānaka. Its aim is to inspire, educate and enable our transition as a community and nation to a healthy, thriving, diverse, carbon zero community. Tickets on sale now at

Simply Central: The science of awesome
Simply Central: The science of awesome

18 September 2021, 5:44 PM

Being awestruck can bring a host of benefits from lowering stress and boosting creativity to making us nicer people - but what exactly is awe, and how do we get more of it in our lives? Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle.We all know that amazing sensation of feeling part of something much larger than ourselves, of being upended by the vastness of the night sky, fit to burst with the emotion and wonder of a new birth, or consumed with the intensity of great music. Research has shown that experiencing these magical feelings also changes how we approach our lives. Experiencing awe can make us more satisfied, less self-involved, less likely to feel starved for time, more grateful and more likely to help others.Scientists have learned these ‘Wow!’ moments also stimulate curiosity, creativity and innovation - all critical tools for solving complex social problems. Most importantly, they bring joy. The best thing? It’s easier than you think to feel awe every day. Awe brings with it a host of physiological, psychological, and social effects. Studies have found that feelings of awe can be accompanied by heart rate changes, goosebumps, and the sensation of chills, and there is some evidence that awe may even decrease markers of chronic inflammation. When it comes to psychological effects, studies have found that awe can give people the sense they have more available time, increase feelings of connectedness, stimulate critical thinking, create positive mood, and decrease materialism. Multiple studies have found evidence that experiencing awe also makes people more kind and generous. For example, people who wrote about a time when they experienced awe were more willing to volunteer their time to help a charity than people who simply recalled a happy experience. Another study found that people who stood among awe-inspiring eucalyptus trees picked up more pens for an experimenter who had “accidentally” dropped them than did people who stared up at a not-so-inspiring large building.Our own natural environment is full of awesomeness. In their 2003 research paper, US psychology professors Dacher Keltner and Jonathon Haidt described two aspects of awe experiences: ‘perceived vastness’ and a ‘need for accommodation’. Perceived vastness, they say, can come from observing something physically large, the vast night skies for example, or from simply being in the presence of someone with immense prestige like a famous sports star. It could also be the incomprehensible small scale of atomic particles. This perception of vastness upends our existing understanding of the world, it exposes us to things we don’t yet understand, and our brains work to make sense of it. An awe experience provokes a need for ‘accommodation’ when it defies our expectations. When we experience something that challenges what we thought we knew, our knowledge has to restructure itself in order to accommodate it. Fittingly, this process of learning is known as ‘accommodation,’ and it’s an essential part of gaining new perspectives. Since the 2003 study, other researchers have confirmed that experiencing awe helps us to focus less on ourselves and feel more like part of a larger whole. In multiple studies, awe-struck research subjects have shown greater generosity, more ethical decision-making, kinder behaviour towards others, and a decreased sense of entitlement.  Vicki Zakrzewski, education director at UC Berkeley has studied the effects of awe in her students. She found that by helping young people connect to something larger, awe could also open their minds to new ways of thinking and help them discover a deeper purpose in life. In their original research paper, Keltner and Haidt stated that “awe-inducing events may be one of the fastest and most powerful methods of personal change and growth.” So, if experiencing awe can inspire so much in us, what inspires awe? Beauty – a dazzling sunset rich with colour, music with its mesmerising harmonies, dissonances and textures, plants from the most delicate of our ferns to the splendour of our 100-year-old kowhai in flower. Exceptional ability – the precision of athletes, a tool someone has invented to solve a problem, the amazing landscapes painted by our local artists, the intricate colour-work and detail in a skilfully hand-crafted garment. Powerful forces – the immense energy of the lightning experienced earlier this week, the powerful current of the mighty Mata-Au, the immense g-forces experienced by drivers in race car crashes. Infinity and infinite repetition – the uncountable number of stars in the night sky, evolution and amazing adaptations of some of our native species. The secret code of Fibonacci numbers are often found in nature, such as the number of spirals in a pinecone or petals on a flower. Breadth and scope – truly seeing the ‘big picture’ for the first time can forever alter how you feel in the now. Look at things around you with awe in mind, and it may just help you gain a better perspective for life.Image credits: Mary Hinsen

How climate change is forcing the law to Change
How climate change is forcing the law to Change

17 September 2021, 4:47 PM

Climate change is forcing us to rethink how we govern, work and behave. In the legal world, inaction, or delayed action, is increasingly being viewed as a violation of human rights. From increased court cases to changes to our laws and regulations, our legislative ecosystem is shifting fast in response. Whether you work in the public sector, own a business, are a director, a trustee, investor or simply wanting to buy or build a house, these changes will affect you. This blog gives a brief overview of what’s been happening.In 2019, we amended the Climate Change Response Act  and enshrined a net zero emissions by 2050 target in law. Aotearoa New Zealand is one of the first in the world  that has legally committed to implementing clear and stable climate change policies in line with the +1.5 degree target set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement. Earlier this year, we  also became the first country in the world to introduce a law that requires the financial sector to disclose the impacts of climate change and take action to mitigate against these risks. We’re going to have a much better idea about which companies are adding to the problem and who, faced with the stark facts, wants to put money into a company that contributes to climate harm?Also at the top of this list is the Resource Management Act (RMA) reform. After an extensive independent review, the Act is set to be split into three separate laws with a new law specifically focusing on climate change adaptation. Current laws are unclear about who is responsible (and liable) for helping communities deal with things like rising sea levels, drought and erosion prone land, and other land related consequences of the global temperature heating up. This Act looks to clear that up. With more reforms to come (e.g. the Building Code) we’re not doing too badly on paper. However, we’re falling into the bottom of the global basket on whether or not our actions will keep us in the safe zone. Our efforts rank us 9th worst out of all G20 nations. This is where litigation can play a role. In July 2021, a few days after the report was released, Lawyers for Climate Action NZ filed High Court proceedings seeking judicial review of the Climate Change Commission (CCC) arguing that the recommended emissions budget did not meet the Commission’s own calculation of what is consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C. The consequences of not meeting this crucial target  are going to be pretty stark, in particular for our Pacific neighbours.Litigation is trending upwards both in New Zealand and globally. There is an increasing body of international case law equating climate delay or inaction with a violation of fundamental human rights, challenging the enforcement of climate mitigation and adaptation measures, suing high emitting companies that contribute to climate harm, and greenwashing through non-disclosure of climate risks. Arguments are getting more sophisticated and direct linkages between cause and harm increasingly being identified as science evolves. So how could this affect you in your day to day life? First and foremost, you need to understand that what was ok yesterday, may not be ok tomorrow. The more we learn and keep up to date on what is going on, the better prepared we will be to adapt to these changes. Second, understand your emissions profile, as well as the risks and opportunities that this profile entails. Know how much you or your activity emit in carbon emissions. You can act in a targeted manner to reduce your emissions. Third, this trend is going nowhere. In fact it’s not a trend, it's the beginning of a system shift. Learn to let go of how things were done before and embrace the new. COVID gave us a good dress rehearsal for this. Even if it’s a bit scary because we’re adapting as we go on a path we haven’t walked before. Be reassured that it's a much safer path than the emissions intensive one we’re currently on. Want to find out more?Get a ticket to Lawyers for Climate Action NZ’s Jenny Cooper’s Climate Risk & Liability Workshop at the Wao Summit 2021. Attend the discussion with Rachel Brooking, Labour MP, who was on the review panel for the RMA on Developing for the Future: What to Expect with the RMA Reform.The Wao Summit is a six day annual event held in Wānaka. Its aim is to inspire, educate and enable our transition as a community and nation to a healthy, thriving, diverse, carbon zero community. Tickets on sale now at

Simply Central: A plague fighter and the face mask
Simply Central: A plague fighter and the face mask

13 September 2021, 9:39 PM

More than a hundred years before Covid came on the scene, face masks were used successfully to combat a pandemic.Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle.More than a century ago, a Chinese-Malaysian epidemiologist named Dr Wu Lien-Teh tried an experiment - he used face masks to help control an epidemic. It worked.Dr Wu changed the course of a plague epidemic in the early 20th century and pioneered the use of masks as a public health tool.In late 1910, a deadly plague began spreading in the northeast regions of China, reaching the large city of Harbin. Tens of thousands of people coughed up blood, their skin looked like prunes and turned purple. They all died. The Qing government was powerless; so they recruited epidemiologist Dr Wu Lien-Teh to help.At the time, there was a flourishing trade in marmot pelts in the region, and trappers and fur traders had been the first to be affected.Dr Wu performed the first ever autopsies in China. Through his findings, he succeeded in isolating and then culturing the bacterium responsible for the disease. The bacterium was Yersinia pestis, known as being the cause of previous bubonic plague epidemics in the West.Dr Wu Lien-Teh was the pioneer of the face mask as a tool to control the spread of disease.Most people believed the disease was caught from rats or fleas, but Dr Wu recognised it was a respiratory disease spread by droplets.​​He made a mask from cotton and gauze, with layers of cloth and secure ties. He urged everyone to wear these masks to protect themselves, especially medical staff and law enforcement.Dr Wu’s masks initially met with some resistance. However, a French doctor died of the plague after refusing to wear one, and attitudes began to change.This was the very first time widespread mask use had been part of an epidemic control strategy - and it proved effective.Masks were the start of Dr Wu’s strategy to control the epidemic. He convinced the Chinese authorities to restrict peoples’ movement, including stopping all trains, in order to limit the spread of the disease. Sick people were instructed to self-isolate.He also persuaded officials to authorise dead bodies to be cremated, a practice which was not normally accepted in China at that time.The epidemic became known as the Manchurian Plague. An estimated 60,000 people died in a period of only four months.Dr Wu went on to chair an international conference on the plague, helping epidemiologists and scientists from 11 countries learn more about how to respond to outbreaks and halt their spread.China’s experience of the Manchurian Plague convinced China’s leaders of the need for a modern public health service, and Dr Wu helped establish this. In 1921, Dr Wu successfully stamped out a recurrence of the epidemic, and was the first Chinese doctor to be nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine.So, the face masks we wear today, and many of the strategies we are now using to control the spread of Covid began with The Manchurian Plague epidemic and the work of Dr Wu.Image credits: reproduced under a creative commons licence. Accessed from WikipediaImage 1: created circa 1910 Image 2: created before 1925

Simply Central: Doing nothing is truly something
Simply Central: Doing nothing is truly something

05 September 2021, 7:06 PM

Feeling lazy? Not getting enough done in the day? Easily distracted?Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle.I read a lot. Every now and then something really resonates and a penny drops. This was one of those moments. This penny was one about overstimulation. I work from home, at a computer, so it tends to creep up on me. But the effects of overstimulation are vast and ongoing. Wellbeing advice includes cutting screen-time and reducing how often we check news and updates. How many people do you know that can’t put their devices down, even when with family and friends? While our devices can enhance connections, help us work, learn and build community, they can also interfere with everything from sleep to creativity. Consider this. Your eyes are not simply tethered to your brain, they are considered actual brain tissue. Technically, when you look someone in the eye, you are looking at the only visible part of their brain. So your eyes are in fact a main highway for stimuli – good and bad. Research conducted on mice testing the effects of overstimulation on people found when mice were exposed to screens that resemble cell phones and TV, they performed significantly worse in cognitive tests: mazes, memory, and problem-solving. When your stress ‘cup’ becomes full, just one more thing can make it overflow.However, when the mice were less engaged in screens, they moved through mazes with natural efficiency, ignoring distractions. Practice fasting. Do you have days when you look back and wonder what you actually got done? I do. I kick myself for doing nothing. But technically, I was still doing things. I clicked through all my social media notifications and answered messages posted to my website. I watched my favourite channels on YouTube. I researched upcoming articles, and checked news feeds at least a dozen times. It’s all about pleasure – that’s what dopamine does. Data scientists are not there to do what’s best for you. They’re hired to boost engagement, sending us swirling down the deep drain of social media. ‘Dopamine fasting’ is a method based on cognitive behavioural therapy, which helps us become less dominated by unhealthy stimuli, lowers the level in our stress ‘cup’ to make room for good things. It helps us manage all those messages, notifications and beeps that are part of living and working in a tech-centred world. Instead of automatically responding to every reward-inducing cue providing us with immediate but short-lived charges of pleasure, ‘dopamine fasting’ gives our brains a break, a chance to re-set from the constant bombardment. The idea is when we step back and find pleasure in more natural activities, we regain control over our lives and are better able to achieve the things we want to achieve. When we actively disengage from the dopamine loop, even for a short time, our brains become primed to engage and get things done without feeling the tug of distractions.Take time to disconnect from tech. Doing nothing is everything. Famous mystery writer Raymond Chandler, had a brilliant strategy for procrastination called the ‘nothing alternative’. When he realised he couldn’t just force himself to focus on his writing, he decided to allow his mind the freedom to do nothing. He gave himself times where he had the freedom to get lost in thought, look at the view, or stand on his head. The recipe: when you are feeling unproductive and unable to focus, do nothing. Nothing means no devices, no books - nothing.  It’s a bit like putting yourself in time out. Meditation is my ‘nothing’ tool when I can’t focus. When I’m most distracted I go somewhere quiet, close my eyes, breathe, and just let all those chaotic thoughts float past. I don’t stress about the thoughts – just notice them. After just a few minutes, I feel more still and focused. I am prepared for work. Know which maze you want to get through first. Science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein once said, “In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it.” Having goals streamlines your efforts to get past the noise. Keep the list short and simple – the most important things for the day. It heightens your connection to your goals and fortifies you against distractions. Like the research mice, start by knowing which maze you want to get through. Then do ‘nothing’ first so you can ignore anything that distracts you from that journey. The takeaway. You’re not lazy - overstimulation stops us achieving what matters. The fix? Practice doing ‘nothing’, and have forced disconnect periods from technology. Be selective about what you allow into your mind.Doing nothing has a habit of turning into doing something. Productivity isn’t about getting everything done, it’s about getting the right things done.  For goal-setting help, see ‘The 10.30 question' article.US National Library of Medicine scientific report on overstimulation sourced here.Harvard Medical School health post on dopamine fasting sourced here.Image credit: Unsplash

Simply Central: The 10.30 question
Simply Central: The 10.30 question

28 August 2021, 5:03 PM

The 10.30 question has been life-changing for me. Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle.During my lockdown reading, I stumbled upon a suggestion on a blog I follow.  This suggestion has since become extremely useful in helping me get through the long list of To Do’s I carefully write out each morning. As someone who mainly works from home, asking this question works better for me than any of the productivity hype or apps I have found online.It’s called the 10.30 question.What would I get done if I only had until 10.30am to work each day?Each morning, this is now the first question I ask myself when I sit down at my desk to begin work.I figure out the answer. Then I do it.I find that in order to get those urgent things done, I spend less time looking at my inbox. I make my coffee before I start work. I fend off distractions by putting on noise cancelling headphones, and the music I play helps me focus and relax into working.Suddenly, I am getting a lot more of my work done before 10.30am each morning, and a lot more achieved overall.Better To-Do list prioritisation helps, but it can be tough to feel that sense of urgency when there’s a whole day stretching out in front of you. It’s often hard to know where to start. It’s all too easy to opt for ticking off the quick jobs first, then decide it’s time to stop for a coffee to give myself an energy boost.Things get added to the list - as they always do.Then, at the end of the day, my To-Do list is just as long as when I started, and I end up working at night.It turns out, when I tackle my Must-Dos with urgency, procrastination disappears, the decks clear and time opens up.When Must-Dos get done first, the rest of the day feels far more relaxed and I’m less likely to be putting in late nights catching up with work.All that equals more time for family, friends - and for me.More rest, better sleep, more time for play equals better work, and better life. What would YOU get done if you only had until 10.30am to work each day?

Simply Central: Random acts of kindness
Simply Central: Random acts of kindness

22 August 2021, 10:42 PM

Amid the challenges of Covid lockdown, now more than ever it is important to be kind.Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle.Each month Neighbourhood Support NZ launches a national campaign where they encourage us to focus collectively on a theme, for maximum impact. This month the theme is very relevant to what we are going through:Random acts of kindness.All it takes is a kind gesture to change someone’s day. New Zealand can become a better place, one random act of kindness at a time.Even in lockdown, the options for random acts of kindness are endless. Being kind doesn’t have to cost a thing, a smile is free. Here are some other ideas: Write positive messages in chalk on paths around your street as you go for a walk.Call a friend you haven’t spoken to for a while.Tell a family member how much you love and appreciate them.Give a friend or neighbour an unexpected compliment.Ask someone how their day was, and really LISTEN to the answer.Make a ‘Be kind’ poster and display it in your window.Arrange to have a cup of coffee with someone via a virtual catch up.Make a simple bird feeder and hang it where both you and others can enjoy watching the birds feed.Remember, research has shown that when we do something good for others it not only benefits them, it also boosts our own health and wellbeing. So, be kind to those around you.Dr Ashley Bloomfield had a wonderful suggestion at Thursday’s Covid briefing this week:“Don’t forget both the smallest and the largest question you can ask anyone is, ‘Are you OK?’”. Image Unsplash

Simply Central: Choose Wool
Simply Central: Choose Wool

15 August 2021, 10:42 PM

WoolOn has given us a weekend of fashion, a time to remind ourselves of the importance of making the right choices when it comes to our clothing. Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle. Globally, wool groups are campaigning against fast fashion and its reliance on synthetic fabrics to quickly turn out new product. Fast fashion is still dominant, but the writing is on the wall - that era is about to end. The European Union is currently considering policy to have environmental labelling on all consumer products, including apparel products. This could come into effect as soon as next year in an effort to guide consumers towards choosing the most sustainable products. In New Zealand, we have the wool mark, often seen on labels. Recent research shows how often clothes are worn is the most influential factor in determining environmental impacts from clothing. That means each and every one of us has a big part to play. Wool is a fibre that lasts and can be recycled. But exactly why is garment lifespan important? The purpose of clothing is to be worn. The more often it is worn over its lifetime, the more completely it fulfils its purpose and the less impact it has on the environment, or on our purse. A world-first study has calculated the lifetime impacts of a garment per single wear event and found that how long a garment lasts without having to be replaced was the most influential factor determining the positive impact of woollen garments. The total number of wears was estimated to be 109 for the study. However, if a garment was disposed of after only one season, or 15 uses, this would result in a 5.8- to 6.8-fold increase in environmental impacts and resource use. Increasing the total number of wears even further to 400, reduced environmental impacts by up to 68 percent, showing substantial improvements are possible through choosing to wear wool. So, choose wool. It may cost more at the outset, but your clothes will last and it will be worth it in the long run.To read more about the study, click hereImage Unsplash 

How you can increase biodiversity (Wao blog)
How you can increase biodiversity (Wao blog)

13 August 2021, 5:30 PM

Why biodiversity matters.Put simply, a thriving, diverse ecosystem is our life-force. Without it, we simply cannot survive. Wetlands help purify our water, store carbon and help prevent flooding and drought. Indigenous forests provide carbon sinks and provide us with the air we breathe. Forests and farms provide products such as timber, fuel, food and medicines. Our farming, forestry and horticulture depend on the resources and services provided by biological systems. Indigenous biodiversity is often found nowhere else in the world. It is important to New Zealand’s environment, culture, society and economy, and is key to providing stability and resilience as we adapt to the fluctuations and disturbances brought about by climate change. So how are we doing?According to the Ministry for the Environment, we could lose more than 80 per cent of our reptiles, frogs, bats and birds, and unknown numbers of our invertebrates (such as weta, snails, funghi, good viruses). Fifty-nine of our native bird species have disappeared since humans first arrived here and we continue to lose fundamental ecosystems and habitats like tussock grasslands, sand dunes, indigenous scrubland and indigenous forests.  Over 4,000 native plants and animals, including the kererū and the kiwi, are at risk of extinction despite a community push for conservation. The main causes? Our use of land - be it urban development, inefficient use of or intensification of productive land - combined with invasive pests and diseases. Climate change is also having an impact. These include shifts in the range of some species, and earlier timing of leaf-unfolding, bird migration, and egg-laying in some species. Warmer water and lower flows in rivers and streams as a result of climate change are disrupting delicate ecosystems.    How can you help?Get involved. There are a number of community and national conservation groups and programs working to clean our waterways, regenerate land with native plants and eradicate pests. There is a lot of work to be done, and with rapidly increasing climate pressures every bit counts. Get yourself planting! The Department of Conservation and Forest and Bird have created a list of plants that our indigenous species love. Try to use plants that naturally occur in your area. These could include kōwhai, flax, kakabeak, and tarata for nectar; and wineberry, karamū, and korokia for fruit. For more ideas on what works in your neck of the woods, go visit your local DOC or make contact with your local branch of Forest and Bird.  Want to find out more?Get tickets to the Indigenous Biodiversity Workshop: Monitoring Flora and Fauna on Your Property at the Wao Summit in October 2021.Check out the work being done by WAI Wānaka and Wanaka Backyard Trapping, and donate to your local planting heroes Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust & Wakatipu Reforestation Trust or to national projects like Million Metres or Trees that Count. The Wao Summit is a six day annual event held in Wānaka. Its aim is to inspire, educate and enable our transition as a community and nation to a healthy, thriving, diverse, carbon zero community. Tickets on sale now at

Simply Central: When breasts eat themselves
Simply Central: When breasts eat themselves

08 August 2021, 10:03 PM

We know prolonged breastfeeding reduces overall cancer risk, but did you know your boobs start to eat themselves once breastfeeding is over, and it’s all related.Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle.We’ve just finished celebrating World Breastfeeding Week, and here at The Central App we came across some interesting research connected to breastfeeding.When a woman stops breastfeeding, her breasts go from being full-time milk factories to regular body parts in only a matter of days. Now scientists have discovered something: your boobs start to eat themselves after breastfeeding is over.And it’s good for you.A molecular switch has been identified. It controls the breasts’ transformation from milk secretors to cellular eaters that gobble up their dying neighbours. The discovery, scientists say, could provide new insights into prevention of breast cancer.Women’s breasts comprise a network of ducts, covered by a layer of fatty tissue. During pregnancy, hormonal signals cause cells lining those ducts to multiply until they form ball-like structures called alveoli.  These are where milk is made once the baby is born. However, once women stop breastfeeding, these alveoli are no longer needed and self-destruct – a process that involves massive cellular suicide, followed by the removal of all debris.Here is the mystery that scientists began to ponder: our  immune system usually removes dead and dying cells in the body. However, the amount of material that is consumed once breastfeeding stops and the alveoli are no longer required is so great you’d expect immune system overload, significant inflammation, pain and tissue damage.  But that doesn’t typically happen when breastfeeding is over.After lactation, it seems it’s the cells lining the ducts that eat their dead neighbours. Since a protein called Rac1 is essential for normal milk production, Nasreen Akhtar and her colleagues at the University of Sheffield wondered whether it might also be involved in this process of breast transformation.Experiments with mice revealed to the team that without Rac1, dead cells and milk flooded the breasts, triggering swelling and a state of chronic inflammation, impairing the ability to regenerate tissue or produce milk in later pregnancies.The mammary gland has a huge amount of tissue and debris that it has to get rid of quickly after lactation. Akhtar’s work showed for the first time that Rac1 is responsible for clearing everything up once breastfeeding is finished, and that this clearance of cell corpses and milk is essential for long term tissue health and function.So, Rac1 makes the epithelial cells (cells lining the ducts) clean themselves up.These findings could have positive consequences for understanding the development and progression of breast cancer, scientists say. We know prolonged breastfeeding reduces overall cancer risk. So, the process the body uses where excess or dead cells are removed by other cells in the breast, thereby suppressing inflammation,  is something scientists are exploring further in a push to better understand breast cancer.Journal reference: Developmental Cell, DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2016.08.005Breast Cancer Foundation NZ - Lower your risk of breast cancer.

Simply Central: Protect breastfeeding
Simply Central: Protect breastfeeding

01 August 2021, 9:36 PM

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated across the globe from 1 to 7 August every year, in a bid to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of our babies. Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle. This year’s theme  ‘Protect breastfeeding: a shared responsibility’ means we all have a part to play, says WellSouth health promotion specialist Jo O’Connor. That means friends, family, employers, communities, health systems and government. There are a number of different ways we can support mums and babies this week here in Central Otago. Coming up on 4 August, Central Cinema will be screening Dream Horse, a combined Central Cinema and Mums4Mums event. “Isn’t it great our local community cinema is providing a family-friendly environment, limiting ticket sales so there’s ample space for wandering toddlers. “Breastfeeding mums will be welcome plus there’s now a change table should parents need to use it”. WellSouth and Mums4Mums will provide morning tea from 10am, then Dream Horse will screen at 10:30am for mums, dads, babies and toddlers.  For those that just want to drop by for a chat, peer supporters will be there until noon providing the usual relaxed chat and ongoing cuppas as they do each first and third Wednesday of every month at Alexandra Baptist Church. Central Otago has a network of trained peer supporters who are there for our whānau. They are volunteers, trained and supported by WellSouth across our region to provide non-judgmental support and information on the normal course of breastfeeding, overcoming common barriers and breastfeeding challenges.  ​​Peer support counsellors are mums themselves, who have trained locally and support other mums, Jo says. “This system of support is here because we know it takes a village to raise a child,” Peer supporter Nicola Rae is one of those volunteering her time to help mothers and families. “Breastfeeding might be natural,” she says, “but it doesn’t just naturally happen. “Support from friends and whānau is invaluable in helping mums and babies make breastfeeding work.” Breastfeeding may be natural, but doesn’t always happen naturally. Peer support and Mums4Mums coordinator Kylie Murdoch says there will be a number of virtual events streaming via the Big Latch On Aotearoa social media. “Support for mums is so much wider than just breastfeeding, and these virtual events give mums access to some great information.” Kylie says Tuesday’s event will be a live-streamed ‘Ask me Anything’ session with Karen Palmer, a neonatal nurse, midwife, and lactation consultant.  Jo pointed to the many ways all of us can take part in World Breastfeeding Week and support our mums. If you are a friend – nurture mum. Make meals or do housework so mum can focus on cuddling her baby and breastfeeding, or mind the other little ones so mum can actually get some rest. If you are an employer – have a conversation with your staff before they go on parental leave. Ensure they understand that you support them breastfeeding when they return to work. Provide a private space for them to breastfeed or express and provide flexible break times. Supporting families to meet their breastfeeding goals also helps our environment, Jo says.  “Breast milk is a natural, renewable food produced and delivered without pollution, packaging or waste. “Breast milk is the perfect food for babies; not only is it free, it’s all a baby needs to eat and drink for about the first 6 months.  “It helps to protect baby against colds, tummy bugs, infections and allergies”.   Supporting breastfeeding, Jo says, is a shared responsibility. It does take a village. For information about the Big Latch-On virtual events, click here. Images supplied

Wao Blog: The Problem with Plastics
Wao Blog: The Problem with Plastics

01 August 2021, 9:32 PM

What’s the problem? As we come to the end of Plastic Free July, we thought it would be good to take a closer look at the problem of plastics. It is estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Plastics are everywhere, from the bottom of the deepest sea trench to beaches around New Zealand. Plastics break down in the oceans to microplastics, mistaken for food and ingested by ocean life. The plastics act as endocrine interrupters, leading to an increase in female hormones, interrupting reproductive cycles and changing the sex balance within a species. We are not immune. It is estimated that the average person consumes 5 grams of microplastics each week. In the last 40 years, men's sperm count has halved, and fertility in women is steadily decreasing. Scientists are predicting that our exposure to plastics means that it is likely most couples will have to use reproductive assistance by 2045. [insert Wao gif banner here with link incidents like the West Coast landfill disaster in 2019 which resulted in 135,000kg of waste, much of it plastic, seeping into the Fox River, and eventually into the Tasman Sea. The ban on single-use plastic bags, exported plastics no longer being recycled overseas and our waste polluting developing nations has created an awareness of the problem here in New Zealand. What can you do?Refuse plastic in your life. It’s as simple (and complicated) as that. Changing our habits can be done. In Wānaka, More than 70 per cent of Wānaka residents have now given up single use takeaway cups according to a survey released by Wastebusters this June. SUCfree Wānaka have been instrumental in this, by transitioning people's thinking from “takeaway” to “throwaway”.The initiative is contagious, with SUCfree Queenstown as well as other communities setting up to get change happening in their neck of the woods.The government has started to clamp down which will make a difference. In June the government announced a ban on more single-use plastic items, such as drink stirrers, cotton buds, single-use produce bags, cutlery, plates and bowls, straws and fruit labels, by 2025.If in doubt, think of the waste hierarchy: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Repurpose, Reuse, Recycle, Rot (except plastics don’t rot so go back to the rethink drawing board). Want to find out more?●     Have a look at the For The Blue trailer, and book your tickets to view it on the 29th October at the Wao Summit 2021.●     Check out the latest SUCfree video to see Wānaka’s journey to becoming single-use cup free.●     Based in Queenstown? Get involved with SUCfree Queenstown!Check out the latest news from local cup lending scheme Wanakup

The last week of Plastic Free July
The last week of Plastic Free July

30 July 2021, 2:20 AM

Well, here we are on the final day of Plastic Free July. It has been a tough month, personally, with plastic seemingly finding its way into my life in the smallest and most surprising of ways. The months started with me not changing my habits out of the need to gauge how much plastic I used. That first week I had my kitchen recycling bin full. A week later, it barely had anything in it. This week, it only has a few items. Amazingly they are things I should have done without but the momentary lapse allowed them to creep through. A plastic bag for spinach and a tub of butter. Both easily avoidable if swapped for paper wrapped and bagged. The month has taught me a lot about buying habits and really engrained the lessons of trying to be conscious and not falling into the trap of convenience. That convenience our society is largely based on is horrific. Our grandparents and great grandparents would be shocked at the waste we produce instead of using paper or going without entirely. Easy things to change, for example, are buying loose vegetables and fruits - not putting them in a plastic bag. Bring a reusable bag, or if you are just getting a couple, just leave them loose if you don’t have a bag. The cashier and bagger won’t care if you genuinely ask how they are and make an effort to be a decent, friendly human. The other big change I made was to a wooden toothbrush and honestly, I don’t know why everyone uses plastic toothbrushes. Wood is good, they say. It’s the best damn material on Earth and New Zealand probably has more of a wood industry than it does a plastic industry. I choose to tell myself that when I buy a wooden toothbrush, I’m keeping a local forestry worker in a job. Whatever helps me sleep at night, eh? The last lesson I learned this month was to make my own solutions instead of buying them. Need something cleaned? Usually boiling hot water does the trick. Swear to the gods, 9/10 times it works. If it doesn’t Google it. Trust me. Someone has a solution which does not require buying some plastic pump-action bottle from New World. Next trick I’m going to learn is how to make my own citrus enzyme cleaner from orange and lemon peels, yeast, and sugar. Voila! To end this month, all I really want to say is give it a go. We have so much rubbish in the world it really isn’t necessary to create more. Anything you buy is entirely within your control. I honestly hope there is a day when people look at plastic and feel disgusted. That’s how I have become. Make the change not just for the world, but your own wallet too. I’ve seriously saved money finding my own solutions to things and not falling in that convenience trap. Convenience, I say, always comes at a cost. It isn’t about who is better and being plastic free - it is all about each of us making small changes wherever we can. The first and easiest thing - buy a wooden toothbrush.

Plastic Free July: Week two
Plastic Free July: Week two

25 July 2021, 11:28 PM

Plastic Free July has continued to throw me some doozies. Last week I wrote about the sheer volume of plastic used in almost all groceries. This week, while I cut down quite a lot of plastic in my shopping, I learned the crux of the real problem. That problem is convenience. Western, modern society is built around convenience. We are time-poor, lazy, and have a wide, expensive taste in food. This week I switched to buying wholefoods, with a local business able to fill my own bags and bottles with raw ingredients, such as honey, beans, muesli etc. An amazing solution, but it just takes a little bit more time. As a vegetarian, cooking dried beans means planning meals hours in advance - sitting beans in water overnight or boiling for hours. The tin can beans make it easier, they aren’t plastic, but it still creates wastes which needs to go through a cycle. The other lesson I found was laundry and other items - such as plastic bottles for detergent, shampoos, etc. I found a bar of soap was and is the king of hygiene and plastic-free solutions. They now have shampoos and conditioners in bar form - delivered in paper packaging. Brilliant. There have been innovations in using plastic waste. While I freelanced in Australia I worked for a bloke who took empty plastic bottles from hair salons, and processed them into 3D printer filament. He would then 3D print prosthetic limbs for children overseas. While my little steps are seemingly just a drop in the ocean, we need to remember every individual drop we create makes that ocean. Oh, and there’s a happy little side-effect of Plastic Free July - I have saved money. More on that next week.

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