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Insurance: Cleaning and restoring your home after a flood
Insurance: Cleaning and restoring your home after a flood

09 October 2024, 4:00 PM

Flood water can cause severe damage to your home, personal belongings, and indoor environment. Even just an inch of water can ruin carpeting, wallboard, appliances, and furniture. More extensive flooding can impact expensive systems like heating, air conditioning, roofing, sewage systems, utilities and foundations. Cleaning up after a flood is a time-consuming and difficult task, but following these essential steps will help you sanitise and restore your home effectively.Wear personal protective equipment (PPE)Floodwaters often contain harmful contaminants such as sewage, chemicals, and sharp objects. Always wear appropriate PPE, such as heavy-duty waterproof gloves, boots, and face masks, when handling flooded areas and items.Document the damage before cleaningBefore you start cleaning, it's important to document the damage. Take clear photos of water-damaged carpets, furniture, and belongings. If you're moving items outside, cover them with plastic to protect them until a loss adjuster can inspect them.Remove contaminated mudFlood water can contain many contaminants and lots of mud. Shovel out as much mud as possible from hard surfaces.Then, use a garden sprayer or hose to wash away the remaining mud. Once again always wear protective gear, including gloves, masks, and gumboots, when dealing with contaminated items.Check if the carpet be salvagedWhether or not you can save the carpet depends on the type of water and the extent of the damage:Grey Water: Water from within the home, such as rainwater entering through windows or the roof, which may collect dirt and dust along the way. Carpets exposed to grey water can typically be salvaged. Clean Water: Is any water that comes from uncontaminated sources such as taps or a hot water cylinder and poses no immediate health risks, making it easier to clean up and restore affected areasContaminated Water: Water that enters the home from external sources, such as roads, paddocks, or gardens, may contain sewage, harmful bacteria, chemicals, or fertilisers. If an entire room or the whole house has been flooded with this contaminated water, it is best to discard the carpet. However, if only a small area (approximately one square metre) is wet, there may be a chance to salvage the carpet. In this case, roll up the carpet and leave it outside for collection, while placing smaller items in bin liners. Remember to cut out a sample of the carpet and underlay, seal it in a bag, and keep it for the Loss Adjuster’s inspection.Clean and disinfect thoroughlyAfter removing any water and debris, begin cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces. If appropriate, hose out the floors and spray diluted bleach onto concrete or wooden surfaces, especially around skirting boards.For furniture and painted surfaces, any standard household cleaning spray can be used.For all areas:Scrub surfaces with hot water and a heavy-duty cleaner.Disinfect surfaces using a solution of ¼ cup (50ml) of chlorine bleach per 5 litres of water, or a disinfectant product specifically designed to kill germs.Immerse glass, porcelain, china, plastic dinnerware, and enamelware in a disinfecting solution of 2 tablespoons of chlorine bleach per 4 litres of hot water for 10 minutes, and then air dry (do not use a towel).Contact your insurance brokerIf your insurance covers flood damage, contact your broker immediately. They will arrange for a loss adjuster to inspect the property. While you clean, continue to document everything with photos and videos, as these records will be essential for insurance claims, disaster assistance applications, and tax deductions.By following these steps and keeping in close contact with your insurance broker, you can ensure a more efficient and thorough cleanup process after a flood.

Wealth: The steady influence of an investment plan
Wealth: The steady influence of an investment plan

26 September 2024, 5:00 PM

In the investment world, market downturns are as inevitable as paying taxes. In fact, you could think of investing as accepting the short-term ups and downs of the market as the “tax” you pay for potential long-term gains.Navigating through these turbulent times is when the value of a well-structured investment plan becomes most apparent. Such a plan acts as a roadmap, guiding investors through short-term fluctuations.Here are some of the key benefits of sticking to your plan during economic downturns:Emotional AnchorAn investment plan serves as an anchor, helping investors avoid panic-selling during market lows. It fosters a long-term perspective, which is crucial when short-term market movements turn negative.Risk ManagementA well-crafted financial plan includes risk management strategies like diversification and asset allocation within your portfolio. These strategies can help mitigate losses when certain sectors or asset classes face downturns.Opportunity for RebalancingMarket corrections can sometimes shift an investor's asset allocation away from their target. A solid plan allows for periodic rebalancing, presenting opportunities to buy low and sell high.Disciplined ApproachAdhering to a plan promotes a disciplined approach to investing, ensuring decisions are based on rational strategies rather than emotional responses to market fluctuations.Clear ObjectivesA well-constructed plan defines clear financial goals and outlines the path to achieve them, providing reassurance during uncertain market conditions.Cost EfficiencyFollowing a predetermined plan helps investors avoid the costs associated with frequent trading, such as fees and taxes, which can erode returns over time.Performance MeasurementAn investment strategy offers a framework for measuring performance against benchmarks and long-term goals, rather than reacting to the market’s unpredictable swings.It's important to remember that, throughout most of modern history, markets have been in a constant state of short-term uncertainty and flux, driven by unpredictable events. Yet, over time, they have consistently trended upward. A well-thought-out plan helps investors capture this long-term growth.As markets fluctuate, investors who stick to a plan are often the ones who reach their desired destination. A long-term strategy provides focus, keeping them on track while others get distracted by noise and fear.This is where an investment adviser can help. At Collinson Wealth we work with our clients to put together an investment plan focusing on what’s most important to you in the long term. We then help you stick to it through the inevitable downturns ensuring you get to reap the long-term rewards of prudently managing your wealth.The information contained in this publication is general in nature and is not intended to be personalised financial advice. Before making any financial decisions, you should consult a professional financial adviser.Collinson Wealth Partners FSP 743091 believes the information in this publication is correct, and it has reasonable grounds for any opinion or recommendation contained in this publication on the date of this publication.

HR: Help! My workers need help.
HR: Help! My workers need help.

25 September 2024, 5:00 PM

The sad thing is there are no 'right' answers when it comes to depression, as everyone seems to have their own version of disappearing into the ‘kumara pit’ or being chased by ‘The Black Dog.’The ideas in this document are not meant to replace seeing a GP, going to a counsellor, or contacting qualified mental health services.Is work the right place?When someone is severely depressed, the only thing they can do is focus on getting out of bed and surviving that day. They have lost all concept of the future, and chances are they are sad/angry that they are in this state and sad/angry/fearful that they will never get out the other side.I understand that going back to work and staying busy does sound like a good option, because staying at home, doing nothing, and 'marinating in your own juices' may worsen your mental health symptoms.I also understand why an employer might be petrified that they could say or do the wrong thing when addressing an employee’s mental health concerns.What can you do?Here are a few things to think about beyond calling in Workplace Support or Employee Assistance Programmes:Look after yourself and other team members. Supporting a person through mental health issues can be harrowing and trigger your own problems. Look out for early warning signs, such as not sleeping, sleeping too much, not eating, eating too much, using alcohol or drugs as escapism, or being unusually obnoxious.Talking to the worker If they raise the issue of their mental illness, here are some helpful strategies:Things you can say:Start with “I’ve noticed…” then just listen.Use reflective listening techniques.Tell me more…And, what else…So, you think that…If they have experienced mental health conditions before, remind them that they did get through it before (hope is important).Help them get the support they need (see the list of resources at the end).Things to avoid:Making it all about you: “I/my friend/another worker went through the same thing…”Telling them they just need to “get over it” or “think happy thoughts” (that’s like telling someone with an amputation to stop bleeding).Changing the topic or dismissing it: “It’s not that bad; we need to focus on the next project.”Key steps moving forward:Have an open discussion with the worker, acknowledge their mental health concerns, and express that they are a valued and important member of the team.Every morning, ask them how they are doing on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being ‘I want to go back to bed’ and 10 being everything is awesome.If they give a low answer, ask them if they want to be at work or go home. NB: If you send them home, make sure you let their ‘emergency contact’/'next of kin' know.Give them tasks that are easy to achieve, where they are working with someone else or within line of sight.Play the 'I noticed' game; no matter how small, celebrate the wins. Building back their self-confidence and showing them that they are valued/valuable is an important part of mental wellbeing recovery.If they talk about 'topping' themselves, call their emergency contact and let them know immediately.Other warning signs are giving away prized possessions, "tidying things up" (emptying locker, paying off bills, organising for animals to be looked after) as if they were going on holiday, or being falsely 'over the top' happy for no apparent reason.If they are on medication for mental health conditions, as they get better, explain that if they are going to go off the meds, they have to let their manager know so they can support them. Going cold turkey can cause a catastrophic relapse.ResourcesIf you or someone you know needs help right now, you can free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor through NZ Telehealth Services.You can also call:MATES in Construction 24/7 Helpline 0800 111 315 or free text 5353Lifeline – 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP)Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)Healthline – 0800 611 116Samaritans – 0800 726 666Health Improvement Practitioners via your GP should be available to see you the same day to discuss mental healthThese websites might also be useful:Mental health services for ongoing illness: WorkwiseMike King's foundation: Key to LifeSuicide support and prevention: NZ Mental Health FoundationManaging mental health concerns at work: WellPlaceNZSupport for young people: The LowdownFeeling supported at work: strategies: Umbrella Wellbeing

Business: Top 5 Things to Watch Out for in Future Leadership
Business: Top 5 Things to Watch Out for in Future Leadership

11 September 2024, 1:16 AM

As we navigate an era marked by rapid technological advancements, shifting societal values, and global interconnectedness, the landscape of leadership is evolving.For those aspiring to lead in the future, understanding and adapting to these shifts is not just important—it’s essential.Let’s explore the top five leadership qualities that will shape the leaders of tomorrow.1. Emphasis on Emotional Intelligence (EI)In the future, emotional intelligence will be a cornerstone of effective leadership.The ability to understand, manage, and harness emotions—both your own and those of others—will become increasingly important.Effective leaders who excel in EI are better equipped to foster strong team collaboration, improve communication skills, and create a positive, productive business environment.As remote work continues to rise, connecting on an emotional level, even across digital platforms, will be an essential leadership skill.2. Adaptability and AgilityThe future is anything but predictable.Future ready leaders will need to be highly adaptable and agile to thrive in an environment of constant change.Whether it’s adjusting to new technologies, responding to shifting market demands or navigating unexpected global events, the ability to pivot quickly and effectively will set successful leaders apart.This isn’t just about reacting to changes—it’s about being proactive, embracing continuous learning, and being proactive in your approach, which is a critical skill in today’s dynamic world.3. Inclusivity and DiversityInclusivity and diversity are no longer just buzzwords—they are essential elements of effective leadership.Leaders must champion diverse perspectives and cultivate inclusive environments where every team member feels valued and heard.This approach doesn’t just drive innovation—it enhances problem-solving, improves decision-making, and ultimately leads to better business outcomes.4. Technological SavvyWith digital technology embedded in every facet of business, future leaders must be technologically savvy.This doesn’t mean becoming an expert in every new tool or platform, but rather having a solid understanding of how digital technology can be leveraged to enhance efficiency, drive innovation, and gain a competitive edge.Staying informed about emerging tech trends and understanding their potential impact will be key to maintaining relevance and driving success.5. Ethical LeadershipEthics will be a defining characteristic of future leadership.In an age where information is abundant and transparency is expected, leaders must prioritise ethics in their decision-making processes.This involves being accountable, upholding integrity, and making decisions that align with both organisational values and broader societal expectations.Effective leaders know that ethical leadership not only builds trust—it sets the standard for the entire organisation.The Path ForwardIn conclusion, the leaders of the future will need to master a blend of core skills such as emotional intelligence, adaptability, inclusivity, technological insight, and ethical integrity.These qualities are not just about surviving in a complex world—they’re about thriving and inspiring those around you. Embracing these traits and investing in professional development will help you not only succeed but also elevate your team and organisation to new heights.The future of leadership is bright, and it’s yours for the taking.

Property: Interest Rates Drop and Central Otago’s Property Market Continues to Thrive
Property: Interest Rates Drop and Central Otago’s Property Market Continues to Thrive

03 September 2024, 5:00 PM

Many borrowers across the country breathed a sigh of relief recently when the Reserve Bank decided to cut interest rates by 0.25 basis points in response to a weakening economy and inflation nearing their target range. Though a modest change, it signals a gradual decline in interest rates for the foreseeable future.Kiwibank was quick to respond, lowering rates soon after the announcement, followed closely by other major banks such as ASB and ANZ.The impact on New Zealand’s housing market will be varied. As a softer labour market, job security and costs of living continue to influence activity and values. However, the property market in Central Otago has shown remarkable resilience and growth, with key metrics indicating a positive trend.Search activity on Trade Me Property in Central Otago has increased by 12% compared to July last year, suggesting growing interest from potential buyers and investors. New listings on Trade Me at a regional level are up by 23%, highlighting a strong supply of properties entering the market. While Otago, as a whole, has seen an even greater increase of 39%, the growth in the Central Otago district is particularly significant, reflecting the region's appeal. This surge in listings not only offers more houses for sale for potential buyers but also demonstrates the confidence of sellers in the market’s potential.Properties listed on Trade Me are now selling 2% faster than before, a clear sign of the high demand for homes in Central Otago. The demand for properties is increasing and buyers are acting quickly. Central Otago is becoming a competitive real estate market where well-priced homes are swiftly snapped up. Properties priced under $800,000 are the most popular in Central Otago, with searches and sales in this price range increasing significantly over the past three months. This mirrors a national trend in New Zealand, where there is strong buyer interest in more affordable homes. The surge in this segment reflects the region’s accessibility to a broader range of buyers, including first-time homeowners and investors looking for value.The latest figures show that house prices in Central Otago have risen by 4%, according to the most recent price index. This steady increase in property values indicates strong demand for real estate in the area, making it an attractive destination for both investors and homeowners seeking long-term gains.Out of 70 areas across New Zealand, Central Otago is one of only three regions experiencing growth in the property market. This unique position underscores the region's appeal, driven by its scenic beauty, quality of life, and investment potential. As Central Otago continues to thrive despite economic challenges, the region’s unique blend of opportunity and appeal makes it a standout destination for both local and international home-buyers alike.

HR: Sick or “Sick” Powder?
HR: Sick or “Sick” Powder?

21 August 2024, 5:00 PM

It’s that time of year here in the mountains where the weather can wreak havoc for business owners.Not through flooding and hurricane-force winds but through employee absence over a period of time, when a heavy snowfall seems to oddly coincide with a wave of illness that runs through town… So, what to do?There are a number of factors at play here – first, let’s talk about the statutory side of this – the obligations between you, the employer, and your employee.Assuming your Employment Agreement stipulates certain hours, there is an obligation on the employee to make themselves available for these hours. But of course, genuine reasons for absence such as sickness are an exception to this.You can request a medical certificate, however, if they have been sick for less than three calendar days, the business must cover the costs of obtaining it.So, whether you wish to pursue this perhaps depends on how big an issue it is and whether you suspect the employee might be taking advantage of their sick leave. Catching a False Sick DayIf you take the "sick employee’s" word but then discover that they had, in fact, been up the mountain, it could be that a conversation is necessary – an employment relationship should be one of good faith, trust, and confidence.If this trust is damaged, you can go down the path of investigating if there is a misconduct issue.However, we would suggest having an informal conversation first, hearing your employee’s side of the story, and letting them know the impact it has had on your business and what behaviour you would prefer to see in the future. Is there potential to foster more work-life balance?The other aspect of all of this is the human and work culture side.Presumably, your employee LOVES the snow – is there anything you can do to support this so that they don’t feel they need to pull a sickie? Is there flexibility in the business that if they can see a big powder day coming, that they can work those hours at a different time or swap shifts with someone else?This won’t be possible for all businesses, but we would suggest thinking carefully about it, and if there’s not, explaining the reasons to your employees.If you can figure out a way to deal with this that encourages honesty and allows your employees to enjoy those one or two powder days (yep, the reality is they don’t come by that often), then this could do wonders for their loyalty, productivity, and your reputation as an epic employer.  Need some help?If you are looking for more guidance or advice on Employment Agreements, Employment Issues, or facilitating open conversations, please reach out to our team at [email protected], and we can chat through some options with you.  

Business: 6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Market Online
Business: 6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Market Online

21 August 2024, 5:00 PM

Here in Central Otago, where the scenery is breathtaking and the community is tight-knit, running a business can be both incredibly rewarding and challengingWhether you’re a bike shop owner in Clyde, a boutique shopkeeper in Cromwell, or a winery operator in Alexandra, one thing is clear: digital marketing is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. Let’s dive into why embracing digital marketing can be a game-changer for your local business.1. Reach Beyond the Main StreetGone are the days when word-of-mouth and a good spot on the main street were enough to keep your business bustling. While these are still important, digital marketing opens up a whole new world. With a well-maintained online presence, your business can reach potential customers who might not drive past your shop every day. Think about tourists planning their visit to Central Otago or locals looking for the best new spot in town. A strong digital footprint ensures they find you first.2. Cost-Effective AdvertisingLet’s be honest, traditional advertising can be pricey. Newspaper ads, radio spots, and flyers add up quickly. Digital marketing, on the other hand, offers cost-effective solutions that fit any budget. Many digital platforms such as social media or online apps allow you to target ads specifically to people in our region. This means you’re not wasting money reaching folks who are too far away to visit your business.3. Engage with Your CommunityOne of the best aspects of living and working in Central Otago is our sense of community. Digital marketing helps you tap into this by engaging with your customers in real-time. Share updates about your business, celebrate local events, and respond to customer inquiries quickly. This not only builds loyalty but also makes your business a valued part of the community.4. Showcase Your Unique StoryEvery business in Central Otago has a unique story. Whether it’s your family’s history of winemaking or the passion behind your handmade crafts, digital marketing gives you the platform to share it. Create a blog, post videos, and share photos that highlight what makes your business special. People love supporting local businesses with a story they can connect to.5. Stay CompetitiveEven in our beautiful slice of New Zealand, competition is fierce. Digital marketing levels the playing field, allowing small businesses to compete with larger ones. A well-designed website, active social media pages, and positive online reviews can set you apart from the competition. It’s all about being where heaps of your potential customers are—online.6. Measure Your SuccessOne of the biggest advantages of digital marketing is the ability to track and measure your efforts. Unlike traditional marketing, where results can be vague, digital tools offer detailed analytics. You can see which posts get the most eyes on them, what people like and don’t like, how many people visit your website, and what products are most popular. This data is invaluable for making informed decisions and improving your strategy.Getting StartedIf you’re new to digital marketing, don’t worry—it’s not as daunting as it seems. Start small. Create a Facebook page, set up an Instagram account, or revamp your website. There are plenty of resources and local experts who can help you along the way. 

Law: Water Woes – Are You A Water Supplier?
Law: Water Woes – Are You A Water Supplier?

05 August 2024, 5:00 PM

The Water Services Act 2019 was part of New Zealand's broader Three Waters Reform, it was not repealed with the other Three Waters legislation following the change in government.  The Act introduces significant changes and responsibilities for landowners who supply drinking water. Here are the key points relevant to landowners:Definition of Supplier: The Act broadens the definition of a water supplier to include anyone supplying water to others, even if it's just a neighbour. This includes private bore owners and those with small water schemes. If you have a bore on your property and it’s shared by a neighbour, then you are a water supplier.  If you have a water supply on your property and it also supplies workers accommodation, then you are a water supplier.Registration and Compliance: Landowners who supply drinking water must register their supply with Taumata Arowai, the new water services regulator. You will need to develop and implement a drinking water safety plan and comply with drinking water standards, which include both safety and aesthetic (taste, smell, appearance) requirements.Risk Management: Suppliers are required to notify Taumata Arowai and local authorities of any risks or hazards to the water supply. They must maintain comprehensive records of their compliance and monitoring activities.Monitoring and Reporting: Water quality must be regularly tested in accredited laboratories, and suppliers must provide information and a complaints process for water consumers. This ensures transparency and accountability in water safety. The level and timing of testing will depend on how many end users are being supplied.For example: A very small community (25 or less end users) needs to check for E. coli and total coliforms every six months. A Small supply (26 – 100 end users) needs to check for E. coli every three months.Penalties for Non-Compliance: Significant penalties exist for non-compliance, including fines up to $50,000 for individuals and $200,000 for corporate bodies. There is also provision for private prosecution if regulatory bodies do not act on complaints.Impact on Property Arrangements: The Act can complicate property arrangements and resource consents, especially for those with water easements or who supply water to others. This could lead to increased costs and administrative burdens.Understanding these requirements is crucial for landowners to ensure they remain compliant with the regulations and avoid significant penalties. It may be time to review the easements registered on your title and look to share the supplier burdens with all users. For detailed guidance, contact your local Checketts McKay solicitor.

Insurance: Terms Every Policyholder Should Know
Insurance: Terms Every Policyholder Should Know

30 July 2024, 5:00 PM

When diving into the world of insurance, it can sometimes feel like you need a translator to understand all the industry jargon.Let's break down some of the most common terms you’ll encounter, so you can feel confident and informed when discussing your policy.1. PremiumThis is the amount you pay for your insurance policy. Think of it as your membership fee to stay protected. Premiums can be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on your plan and preferences.2. Deductible/ExcessThe deductible or excess is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. For example, if you have a $500 deductible and a $2,000 claim, you’ll pay the first $500, and your insurance will cover the remaining $1,500.3. PolicyholderThat’s you! The policyholder is the person who owns the insurance policy and is covered by it. Simple as that.4. ClaimWhen something goes wrong—like an accident or damage to your property—you file an insurance claim to request payment from your insurance company. It’s essentially your way of saying, “Hi, I need help!”5. Insurance CoverageThis refers to the specific protections and benefits provided by your insurance policy. Coverage can vary widely depending on the type of insurance (car, home, health, etc.) and the specifics of your policy.6. BeneficiaryFor life insurance policies, the beneficiary is the person (or people) who will receive the insurance payout if the policyholder passes away. It’s important to keep your beneficiaries up to date to ensure your loved ones are taken care of.7. ExclusionExclusions are the things your insurance policy won’t cover. It’s crucial to read your insurance contract carefully to understand what’s included and what’s not, so you’re not caught off guard. For instance, you might discover that your insurance doesn't cover you if you drive with passengers while holding a restricted licence.8. UnderwritingUnderwriting is the process insurance companies use to evaluate the risk of insuring you. This involves assessing your application and determining your premium based on factors like your health, lifestyle, and driving record.9. Extension or ExclusionA Extension or Exclusion is an add-on to your insurance policy that provides additional coverage or benefits. For example, you might add a rider to your home insurance policy to cover expensive jewellery or art.10. Grace PeriodThis is the extra period of time your insurance company gives you to pay your premium after the due date before they cancel your policy. It’s a little cushion to help you stay covered even if you’re a bit late.11. LapseA lapse occurs when your insurance policy is terminated due to non-payment of premiums. If your policy lapses, you’re no longer covered, and you’ll need to go through the application process again to reinstate it. If your policy lapses due to non-payment, this becomes a material fact that must be disclosed to any future insurers.12. Policy TermThis is the length of time your insurance policy is in effect. It could be six months, a year, or longer. At the end of the term, you’ll need to renew your policy to continue coverage.13. QuoteA quote is an estimate of the cost of insurance. It’s based on the information you provide and helps you compare different policies and providers.14. EndorsementAn endorsement is a change to your insurance policy that alters its terms or coverage. This could include adding or removing coverage, updating your personal information, or changing your deductible. Understanding these terms can make a world of difference when you’re shopping for insurance or reviewing your current policy. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions and feel more confident discussing your coverage needs.If you need help decoding any other insurance jargon you come across. Feel free to reach out to C&R for any questions or concerns you may have.  Commercial - Horticulture & Viticulture - Rural - Personal - Life & Health - Income Protection

HR: Go on, Dream A Little!
HR: Go on, Dream A Little!

29 July 2024, 5:00 PM

Understanding your dreams and the motivations behind your hard work can offer profound insights.Why do you pour your blood, sweat, and tears into your business? What's your ultimate goal? Where do you see yourself in the future? What truly brings you joy?Reflecting on these questions can be enlightening for both you and those around you.So why dream?Often, we don't take the time to think about the future, but having personal goals and aspirations to look forward to is more important than we often realise.Envisioning your dreams is not only beneficial for you but also serves as excellent role modelling and can spark engaging conversations with colleagues.Sharing your dreams can provide others with a unique glimpse into your motivations and what drives you.Of course, you don't have to share anything you're not comfortable with. Whether your dream is medieval cosplay or something else entirely, all power to you! The positive psychological effects of pursuing goals by Dr. Patrick Keelan:We would recommend reading the article below as it highlights that goals provide purpose in everyday life, boost self-esteem, offer structure, improve time management, and help manage stress. Another additional effect of goal setting is that working toward goals can foster positive social relationships.Each of these aspects contributes to a more fulfilling and balanced life, illustrating why having dreams and striving for them can be crucial to our happiness and mental health. or setting goals.Here is a quick exercise you can do right now!!Grab a pen and paper and write three headings:ExperiencesGrowthContribution Now get the timer open on your phone and set it for 90 seconds. Try to not think too hard during this exercise.Start the timer and under “Experiences” write down anything that comes to mind that on your last day alive you would want to have experienced. You could list places to visit, personal achievements, meaningful relationships, health goals. Imagine you have no obstacles or financial constraints and just go for it until the timer stops.Now, under the “Growth” heading, do the same. Think about ways you'd like to grow in intellectual pursuits, character traits, health, fitness, and spiritual growth.Finally, under the “Contribution” heading list ways to give back: volunteering, helping others, sharing knowledge, supporting causes. How can this enrich your life?Writing down your life goals makes them concrete and helps us see how they can contribute to a deeper sense of fulfilment. How Easi NZ can help.At EASI NZ we love to support small to medium businesses realise their potential. By understanding your goals and dreams it enables us to tailor our recruitment and HR services effectively, aligning strategies to achieve personal and business aspirations seamlessly.Get in touch today and see how we help get you on the right track for your business, people and clients to make those dreams become a reality! You'll find us in The Central App Easi NZ

Law: Why Giving Your Trust a Tune-Up is a Must!
Law: Why Giving Your Trust a Tune-Up is a Must!

14 July 2024, 5:00 PM

Are you a trustee of a trust? If so, it’s time to take a closer look at your trust in light of the changes brought about by the Trusts Act 2019 (“Act”). While it may seem like a chore, reviewing your trust is essential for several reasons; ensuring that the trust remains effective, compliant, and serves its intended purpose. The Act introduces new requirements and obligations for trustees, enhancing transparency and accountability within the trust administration process. The Act imposes obligations on trustees to provide information to beneficiaries and keep them informed about the trust’s administration. This means trustees must maintain accurate records and be prepared to disclose information when requested. If your trust has been operating under a veil of secrecy, now is the time to reassess its transparency practices. A review allows trustees to assess the ongoing relevance and effectiveness of the trust structure in light of changing circumstances. Over time, the needs and objectives of the settlor and beneficiaries may evolve, requiring adjustments to the trust deed or its administration. By conducting a thorough review, trustees can identify any inconsistencies or gaps in the trust's provisions and take the right steps to address them.Furthermore, reviewing the trust provides an opportunity to evaluate its financial performance and asset management strategies. Trustees must ensure that trust assets are being managed prudently and in the best interests of the beneficiaries. Assessing investment strategies, risk management practices, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements can help trustees safeguard the trust's assets and optimise returns for beneficiaries.Conducting a regular review of the trust demonstrates diligence and good governance on the part of the trustees. It fosters trust and confidence among beneficiaries and other stakeholders, reinforcing the integrity of the trust structure and its administration.To navigate these changes and safeguard your trust, get in contact with Checketts McKay Law. Their expertise can guide you through the process, providing peace of mind and clarity around your trust. Trust in their experience to secure your trust’s future.

Wealth: Questions To Ask An Investment Adviser
Wealth: Questions To Ask An Investment Adviser

09 July 2024, 5:00 PM

No matter where you are in your investment and wealth journey, if you're seeking advice on investing or retirement planning you should consult an experienced investment adviser who specialises in these areas.As with any professional service, the key challenge is finding the right person for the job and a lot of this will come down to knowing the right questions to ask. This is important because ideally you will be interacting with your adviser frequently, and they will be managing your, and possibly your family’s, wealth over the long term.We believe the guidelines to find best practices can be divided into two key parts: questions to ask yourself and questions to ask the adviser.We have highlighted some key questions below.Questions To Ask Yourself Before Getting Financial AdviceWhen wanting to achieve any outcome it’s always good to understand what your actual goals and objectives are, so some initial questions to ask yourself are:Why am I looking for an adviser and what do I want from them?What do I want to achieve and in what timeframe?How do I feel about risk when it comes to my money (otherwise known as your risk tolerance)?What returns am I wanting versus the risk I should be taking?What do I need from my wealth and are there any other special factors to consider?Questions To Ask An Investment AdviserYou want to establish exactly who you are dealing with and the exact services they offer e.g., investment strategy, portfolio management, retirement planning, tax and estate planning services.When selecting a potential adviser, it's crucial to ask questions that will reveal their expertise, investment philosophy, so you can make an informed decision about whether they're a good fit for your financial goals.What is their educational background?What are their professional qualifications?What is their employment history in the investment industry?What is their investment management approach?How often will they communicate with me, and what regular reports will I receive?How do they approach continuing education and stay current with market trends and financial regulations? Asking these types of questions should also help you gauge the capability of the investment adviser and how comfortable you may feel with them.It's also important to understand the fees and how the adviser is paid. This will help you understand their incentives and ensure transparency.You could also inquire about the adviser's network of professionals, such as accountants and lawyers, and how they work together to provide comprehensive financial advice.Finally, ask yourself if you feel comfortable with the adviser. Do they speak in terms you understand and do they show a genuine interest in helping you achieve your financial objectives?Remember, the relationship with your investment adviser is a significant one, and ensuring alignment in both philosophy and approach is essential for a successful partnership.At Collinson Wealth Partners we seek to build long term relationships with our clients. We like to take time to get to know them and ensure they understand how we work, the value we provide and how we believe we can assist them in meeting their individual goals and objectives.The information contained in this publication is general in nature and is not intended to be personalised financial advice. Before making any financial decisions, you should consult a professional financial adviser.Collinson Wealth Partners FSP 743091 believes the information in this publication is correct, and it has reasonable grounds for any opinion or recommendation contained in this publication on the date of this publication.

HR: Restructuring and Economic Bumps– When is the right time to talk to staff?
HR: Restructuring and Economic Bumps– When is the right time to talk to staff?

01 July 2024, 5:15 PM

Restructuring can be an exciting part of growth and opportunities, but let’s face it, most of us are more familiar with it from the other side of the economic equation – the downsizing process. Economic downturns often necessitate such restructuring efforts.So, when is the right time to talk to staff if business isn’t going so well and you're facing tough times?The answer is, right now.In fact, you should be talking about and sharing your goals/targets and business strategy since the first day each of your employees started. Ensuring regular communication during difficult times is crucial.Economic bumps can require us to examine the economic impact and future for our businesses. Restructuring could be something you need to consider. But whether you’re riding the economic highway or about to pull up on the hard shoulder, now is always the best time to discuss your business with staff and let them know how things are trending. Good, bad, or downright ugly!If your company is experiencing tough trading conditions, you may need to consider cutting back on costs, business operations might need to be streamlined to maintain efficiency, or you may have to make the difficult decision to make some redundancies. The possibility of redundancy can be a shock and extremely demoralising for staff, significantly impacting employee morale, whether they have seen it coming or not. But if they can see it coming, they’re more likely to be able to support you if you include them in discussions, whatever the outcome. Employee engagement during such discussions is key.Knowing how much to share with staff can be difficult too. Nobody became an employee to worry about your cash flow and how you’re going to pay your mortgage. It sounds harsh but, that’s why they’re employees and you’re the boss! But knowing what your company targets are, your values and your strategic direction is a must for any employee. After all, if you’re the boss and you haven’t spent the time to tell your staff what your expectations are from them, how are they supposed to know what you need?Being too busy and just allowing organic growth to occur without strategic direction during times of economic boom will often lead to a restructuring when the economy hits a bump, contributing to stressful times.So, if you’re about to negotiate a tricky economic patch with your business, and you haven’t done so already, talk to your staff now. Let them know what your plan is to navigate these treacherous waters and what you need from them, to avoid the need to restructure where possible. During times of uncertainty, clear communication about the business situation can alleviate concerns.Sharing your company goals and how you expect to get there will help increase the engagement of your staff, even if you’re only talking about how to get pay raises rather than the scary restructuring stuff.There is no “I” in team.Business ownership can be a dark and lonely place, but you have never had to do it alone. Talking to your staff early can help chase the wolf from the door, increase engagement, build resilience in your staff, provide pivoting opportunities with unutilized staff skills, and increase your staff loyalty. Fostering a strong company culture during uncertain times can lead to better employee morale.For more information on how to facilitate early or even regular discussions with your staff, get in contact with the team at EASI NZ. [email protected]

Law: What to do when someone dies
Law: What to do when someone dies

25 June 2024, 5:05 PM

Having a valid will is essential for alleviating the stress of your family members in an overwhelming and confusing time and allows for your estate to be administered smoothly. We have outlined the main steps involved in the legal process below:Importance of having a willIt is important that each of us, especially after acquiring belongings or assets, has a valid will. A will is a legal document that sets out how you would like your property (called your estate) distributed after your death. It may also include directions for funeral arrangements. Each will must have at least one executor, who should be a trustworthy individual who would be capable of assisting with an estate. A will sometimes appoints multiple executors, but this can complicate decision-making. It is recommended that you review and update your will regularly, especially after major life events. Wills must be drafted in proper form to be legally binding, so it is important that you consult a legal professional for advice and to assist with preparation and execution. Any mistakes can be costly when it comes time to administer your estate.Upon the death of a loved oneThe death must be registered with the Department of Internal Affairs within three working days of the burial or cremation, you will need the record of death signed off by a medical doctor or coroner if the death is unexplained. After this, you will receive a copy of the death certificate that can be used as proof of death. You should then check if the deceased person left a will. If you cannot find it, you can contact their lawyer who may have it on file or can help you locate it. Applying for probate If the value of the estate exceeds $15,000, the executor will apply to the High Court for legal authority to administer the will, called probate. This process must prove that the executor is acting upon the will-maker’s wishes. You will need to provide the original will and the estate lawyer and the executor will need to complete the High Court probate application. The court will then issue an order for probate confirming the executor’s authority and the executor will have access to the estate for distribution. The administration and distribution process is usually managed via the estate lawyer on the instruction of the executor.If the value of the estate does not exceed $15,000, it may be dealt with by the next of kin without a court order, unless there is a dispute as to who will be the administrator. Dying without a will If someone dies without a valid will, this is called dying intestate. Instead of probate, for a larger estate you will need to apply for ‘letters of administration’. This is similar to the probate process, but you will need to prove that you could not find the deceased’s will and that the intended beneficiaries (those to inherit) had a relationship with the deceased. The appointment of the administrator and the distribution of the estate is managed in accordance with the Administration Act and the applicant will normally be the spouse or partner or parents or children of the deceased.Settling the estate You must lastly settle the estate according to the will or the Administration Act. You must pay any debts, taxes or expenses from the estate, collect any money or property that is owed to the estate, and distribute any remaining assets to the beneficiaries. You may need to provide a final account to the High Court so the executor and the estate lawyer should keep accurate records of any transactions.  ConclusionThis article has outlined the main steps involved in the legal process following the death of a family member or loved one in New Zealand. This process can be complex and time-consuming, so it is strongly recommended that you seek legal advice at any step along the way. You can also find more information and resources on the following websites:Department of Internal Affairs:’s Advice Bureau: Revenue: 

Property: Slashing the Mortgage
Property: Slashing the Mortgage

25 June 2024, 5:03 PM

As a real estate agent, providing clients with effective strategies to slash their mortgage and pay off their home loan faster can significantly enhance their financial well-being and expedite their journey to homeownership.Implementing targeted approaches such as making extra payments, offsetting interest, budgeting diligently, and shopping around for better deals can substantially reduce the life of their mortgage and the total amount owed.Here’s how homeowners can achieve this:1. Make extra paymentsOne of the most effective strategies to reduce a mortgage is to make extra payments. Even small additional payments can make a big difference over the life of the loan. Biweekly Payments: Instead of making monthly payments, opt for biweekly payments. These extra repayments result in 26 payments a year, effectively equating to an extra monthly repayment annually without a significant financial strain.Lump Sum Payments: Utilise bonuses, tax refunds, or any financial windfalls to make lump sum payments toward the mortgage principal. This can drastically reduce the principal amount and the interest accrued over time.Increase Regular Payments: Increasing the regular payment amount, even by a small percentage, can have a significant impact. The extra funds directly reduce the principal, which shortens the loan term and lowers the total interest paid.2. Offset InterestOffset accounts can be a powerful tool for homeowners to reduce their mortgage interest.Understand Offset Accounts: An offset account is a transaction account linked to the mortgage. The balance in this account offsets the principal amount of the loan, thereby reducing the interest payable. For instance, with a mortgage of $300,000 and $20,000 in the offset account, interest is only charged on $280,000.Maximise the Offset Account: Homeowners should regularly deposit their salary and savings into the offset account. The higher the balance, the more interest saved over the life of the loan.Utilise All-in-One Accounts: Some lenders offer all-in-one accounts that combine the mortgage, savings, and everyday spending. These can be effective in managing finances and minimising interest.3. Budget EverythingA well-structured budget is essential for homeowners to manage their finances effectively and free up funds to pay down the mortgage faster.Track Spending: Use budgeting apps or spreadsheets to monitor income and expenses. Identifying areas where costs can be cut helps in reallocating funds towards the mortgage.Prioritise Mortgage Payments: Treat the mortgage payment as a top priority. After covering essential expenses, any extra funds should be allocated to loan repayments.Automate Savings: Set up automatic transfers from the primary account to the mortgage account. This ensures consistent regular repayments without the temptation to spend.4. Shop AroundRefinancing the mortgage or switching to a lender with better rates and terms can save homeowners a significant amount over the life of the loan.Compare Mortgage Lenders: Don’t settle for the first mortgage offer. Comparing different Banks to find the best interest rates and terms is crucial. Online comparison tools can aid in this process or using Mortgage brokers to do the hard yards on your behalf.Negotiate Loan Terms: Homeowners shouldn’t be afraid to negotiate with their current lender for a lower interest rate or better terms on their loan agreement. Often, just asking can result in a more favourable deal.Assess Fixed vs. Variable Rates: Homeowners should evaluate whether a fixed or variable rate mortgage suits their financial situation better. Fixed rates offer stability, while variable rates can be advantageous if interest rates are expected to fall.ConclusionSlashing a mortgage requires a strategic approach and disciplined financial management.By making extra payments, utilising offset accounts, budgeting meticulously, and shopping around for the best deals, homeowners can significantly reduce their mortgage terms and the amount of interest paid.Implementing these strategies can pave the way to financial freedom and the peace of mind that comes with owning a home outright.

Wealth: What exactly is Diversification in Investing?
Wealth: What exactly is Diversification in Investing?

13 June 2024, 5:00 PM

Diversification is a key part of a wise investment strategy to mitigate risk without necessarily sacrificing returns.You could think of it as a form of insurance—it doesn't prevent market downturns, but it can soften the blow.Benefits of diversifying your investmentsWhile diversification cannot totally shield against systemic risks that affect the entire market, such as a global economic crisis or war. By spreading investments across various asset classes, sectors, and geographies, an investor can reduce the impact of any single investment that underperforms.Diversified portfolios can benefit from the lack of being invested in similar markets. Having different types of investment means even when one market zigs, another can zag, which helps smooth out the overall investment journey.Although it's not just about reducing the downside, it's also about capturing upside performance. Having a variety of investments allows you to participate in the growth of a wide array of industries and economies, some of which may outperform expectations.What you should know about diversificationHowever, diversification is not a one-size-fits-all solution or a set and forget strategy.It requires regular rebalancing to maintain the intended risk profile, as market movements can change the original asset allocation.Over-diversification can also reduce potential returns and lead to complex portfolios that are hard to manage.So, while diversification is a powerful tool, it must be used with care and be tailored to an individual's investment horizon, risk tolerance, and financial goals.The diversification settings also require reviewing and updating regularly to ensure the assumptions it was built around are still relevant and reflect any changes to an investor's life stage requirements, investment goals and objectives.SummaryIn simple terms having a diversified investment portfolio means not putting all your eggs in one basket. It's a strategy that accounts for the unpredictability of markets and the limitations of forecasting.For all investors, it provides a structured approach to managing uncertainty. It results in a more resilient portfolio making it better equipped to weather the storms of market fluctuation.A well-diversified portfolio is the foundation for long-term financial security, but regular review and adjustment of the portfolio are essential to keep a good diversification strategy that can adapt to changing market conditions and personal financial goals.At Collinson Wealth Partners we specialise in preparing investment portfolios and plans tailored entirely to the individual client, diversification being a key element of those plans. The information contained in this publication is general in nature and is not intended to be personalised financial advice. Before making any financial decisions, you should consult a professional financial adviser.Collinson Wealth Partners FSP 743091 believes the information in this publication is correct, and it has reasonable grounds for any opinion or recommendation contained in this publication on the date of this publication. 

HR: Examining BOT Accountability
HR: Examining BOT Accountability

30 May 2024, 5:00 PM

The fatality at Abbey Caves has made headlines once more, and many people are baffled as to what went wrong and what the Board of Trustees' (BOT) involvement was.In May 2023, amid a heavy rain warning in Northland, a group from Whangārei Boys' High School entered the Abbey Cave system as part of a school trip. Sixteen people, including an instructor and a parent, found themselves in need of rescue due to the adverse conditions and tragically one student lost their life in the incident.The BOT has been charged under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015: Section 36 sets out what is described as the primary duty of care and Section 48 provides that it is an offence to fail to comply with a duty that exposes an individual to risk of death, serious injury, or serious illness.It is important to remember that individuals on a BOT cannot be prosecuted, it is the Board as a whole that will have their actions reviewed in court. If the BOT is convicted and fined the maximum penalty is NZ $1,500,000.I do not want to go into the details of exactly what happened as that is for the courts to decide; however, here is a list of things that you can do if you are a board member of a school. Do not quit! Understanding your health and safety role and duties is not hard. A good place to start is by reading the following:Keeping people healthy and safe Ministry of EducationCommunity member guide to the role of the board of trusteesSelf-Audit Checklist Section 3 – Health, Safety and Welfare EROSafety in schools toolkit PPTA (This focuses on risks to teachers)Health and Safety Guide: Good Governance for Directors March 20162. As an ‘officer’ your duties are separate from the primary duty of care owed by PCBU (Person in Control of a Business or Undertaking). In a school, the PCBU is the principal and head of the department, depending on the circumstance.3. Your duty focuses on ‘due diligence;’ this means you must ask the right questions, even if you do not know the exact answer. An example would be asking about the issues surrounding insurance. You are not expected to be an insurance broker; you are expected to ask if the school assets are adequately insured.In regards to outdoor education, you might want to know:Is the teacher leading the activity suitable and qualified, or do we need to engage an external outdoor instructor?Has a RAMS (Risk Assessment Management System) form been filled in and signed off by the teaching staff involved and the head of the department?Have the physical and psychological abilities of the students participating been acknowledged and accounted for?Is there an emergency response plan that identifies what will happen if something goes wrong?Have parents been made aware of what risks are inherent in the activity?My thoughts go out to everyone involved in the Abbey Caves event and I hope that everyone is being offered the support they need to get through the court prosecution.If you want to know more about the role of Officers in different operating contexts, please call Sarah Thomas 027 200 7680 or email [email protected]

Law: Purchasing a Vehicle Privately in New Zealand
Law: Purchasing a Vehicle Privately in New Zealand

19 May 2024, 9:36 PM

Buying a vehicle privately can be an exciting endeavour, whether you're upgrading your ride or purchasing your first car. In New Zealand, the process is straightforward, with a myriad of options available across online platforms, classifieds, and local advertisements. However, amidst the thrill of finding your dream vehicle, there lies a hidden danger that many buyers overlook: the risk of purchasing a vehicle without conducting a Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) search. The PPSR is a tool designed to protect consumers by providing them with essential information about the financial history of a vehicle. It allows buyers to uncover any outstanding debts, loans, or security interests associated with the vehicle they intend to purchase. Despite its importance, many individuals bypass this vital step, often due to a lack of awareness or a desire to expedite the purchasing process. However, the consequences of neglecting a PPSR search can be severe. One of the primary risks of buying a vehicle without a PPSR search is unwittingly inheriting the previous owner's debts or financial liabilities. Without conducting a thorough check, buyers may remain unaware of any existing loans secured against the vehicle. In such cases, the creditor retains the legal right to repossess the vehicle, even if it has changed hands and been in your ownership for several years.This scenario not only results in financial loss but also leaves the buyer without legal recourse. By verifying the vehicle's history through the PPSR database, buyers can ensure that it is free from any undisclosed security interests or ownership disputes. Additionally, the PPSR search enables buyers to confirm the vehicle's identification details, including its make, model, and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), reducing the risk of purchasing a stolen vehicle. Fortunately, conducting a PPSR search is a relatively simple and cost-effective process, with online services available to facilitate the search. By entering the vehicle's registration number, VIN or chassis number and paying a nominal fee (currently $2.30), buyers can access comprehensive information about the vehicle's financial history. It is also a good idea to search the seller's name and company. Your local lawyers can assist with the PPSR search process and provide advice on your rights, if your vehicle is repossessed. 

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