Staff Reporter
29 September 2020, 4:00 AM
In this series of interviews in the lead up to the general election on 17 October, The Central App gives you the opportunity to learn more about your election candidates with a simple Q&A.
The Central App sent out a questionnaire to all electorate candidates in both the Southland and Waitaki electorates, to give them the opportunity to introduce themselves to you in their own words.
Central Otago is divided and represented by both Southland and Waitaki electorates.
Today, The Central App put the questions to New Conservative Party Waitaki Candidate Troy Allan.
Name: Troy Allan
Party: New Conservative
Electorate: Waitaki
Where do you live: Currently at Darfield with my Wife and three teenage children. We have discussed and agreed to moving back to the district when we win the Seat at the election.
Tell us why you are standing for your party:
"Over the last few years I’ve been concerned about the trajectory our nation is on. The negative social statics including broken families, suicide, crime, massive increase in generational debt the continual erosion of New Zealand ownership of strategic assets, farmland, businesses and housing, the breakdown of democracy, the separatism and division that is sweeping the land, a broken education system teaching a revisionist version of history that is training a whole generation of children to hate themselves and their heritage, a growing culture of victimhood, entitlement and Socialist Ideology, and the ever encroaching UN driven mandates and control all point to a future that is pretty dark for New Zealand if we don’t change the trajectory we are on now!
"If we want some things to change we’ve got to change some things. We cannot keep doing what we’ve always done and expect a different result.
Let me be clear. The last three years have brought the rate of change to an unprecedented rate. But the slide to the left of the political spectrum by both major parties has been going on for decades and both are at fault. You couldn’t put a cigarette paper between them. Now it seems like National is where Labour was when I first started voting, left of centre.
"It’s time to do something different, to get involved and make positive change for all New Zealanders.
"I chose to work with New Conservative because they understand the timeless principles that make nations successful. They will not go out to “Buy” your vote. They will not engage in the “lollipop politics” that the parties play to try to win votes.
"New Conservative choose policy based on what is best for the country. New Conservative policy has been on our website for months. Nothing is hidden and we do not play games in the media with the “surprise” roll out of a “special” policy used to counter what the other guy did last week. In fact they all copy our policy when it suits. Don’t settle for cheap imitators!
"You can read New Conservatives values, policies and a bit more about me on the New Conservative web site at
"I couldn’t stand by any longer and watch our nation descend into a Venezuela or China.
"I don’t want my grandchildren, when they ask me “what did you do in 2020 grandad?” to have to say “I did nothing”.
"So I have chosen to stand with New Conservative. They are the only party that I can see that has the understanding to turn the boat around and bring the political consciousness of the nation back to the “centre” instead of the extreme far (Alt) Left ideological mandate our nation is being governed by at present.
Tell us a bit about yourself:
"Current job: I work with Fonterra in the lab at the Darfield plant
"Background: Born in Otematata and raised in Oamaru I have spent many a happy hour throughout the Waitaki electorate. I was there when the gates on the Clyde dam were closed for the first time.
I have a background in farming, mustering, large heard dairy farming and Commercial Real-estate amongst other things and currently work with Fonterra. A more comprehensive bio and regular coms and podcasts can be found here.
"Interests: I enjoy family, outdoors, hunting, fishing. We sometimes camp at Falston Camp at lake Benmore or batch at Hampden to catch some Cod. "
What are the key issues you see facing this electorate?
"By far the biggest issue is COVID Recovery.
"The effects of this are far reaching throughout the electorate. It is affecting everything from job stability and business viability (a big hit in tourism), to our health sector, to the export sector and so on.
"The New Conservative COVID Recovery plan is here
"Environment is a big one. Much good work has been done. This must continue. Policy here
"R&D and venture capital for continued improvements, future growth and development is a core part of New Conservative policies here"
If elected, how do you intend to keep up to date on local issues and close to the needs of the people in your electorate?
"This is a large geographic area to cover. As your full time employee keeping in touch is a core part of the job description. There are several keys to staying up to date
What do you see as the key policies of your party that will make the biggest impact for the people in your electorate?
"Other than the COVID Recovery listed above the economic policy, especially the new tax regimes will have a tremendous impact.
"Enter your data into the tax calculator here to see how much you save.
"This alone will inject $10b into the economy without any more borrowing.
"Then of course or BCIR. This is our key policy and puts democracy back in the hands of the people, which has been sadly lacking in the last three years. See that policy here
All of our policies will have massive impact on the wellbeing of our electorate and the Nation. You can find them here"
What is your stance on energy security of Central Otago?
"New Conservatives stance on energy security for the nation is we have the resources to be a net exporter of energy. If we need a resource for energy let’s use ours, not buy it in from overseas. We can harvest it cheaper and cleaner than anyone else in the world. Let’s continue to use R&D and venture capital to improve and develop these resources and the use of them."
What are your thoughts on water quality in Central Otago?
"The improvements that have been made have been astounding. This must continue."
Do you think it has any advantages/disadvantages that Central Otago is now going to be represented by two different MPs? What about if they end up being from two different parties?
"It’s not good. You don’t want two different parties representing you. That would be silly like two horses pulling in a different direction and “lollypop politics” and silly games being played to try to win favour, which will not end up best for the Nation or the electorate.
"Just vote TWO TICKS New Conservative in both electorates and that problem goes away."
What skills and attributes do you have which make you believe you will be a good MP?
"My key strengths in business and developing communities are in Business Management, Business and Personal development, with Strategic thinking and analysis, and developing implementation plans that work back to, "What do we need to do today!" Then working with people to empower, equip and support them to fulfil those.
"My experience in the agricultural and commercial worlds, has been a valuable resource, training me in project management, dynamic problem solving, lateral thinking, a broad understanding and an ability to relate to aspects of most business types, their systems and the people involved, while working across many business streams simultaneously.
"This gives me a sound ability to serve the Waitaki Electorate in my role as a Minister of Parliament with the New Conservative Party."
Where do you stand on the Cannabis Legalisation and Control Referendum?
"NO. The science is strongly against. The only time I see material that supports the legislation is when it is produced by someone who stands to benefit from it, or is paid by someone who stands to benefit from it or smokes it.
"On the other hand, I’ve yet to find anyone who says no who will benefit from not having it legalised.
"On a personal note I have employed a number of really good and promising young staff only to see them destroyed by this stuff. Our work places and roads must stay free of it. The message we send to our young must be “stay drug free”.
"This issue is lollypop politics by a desperate government trying to buy votes.
"This is how utterly ridiculous our government has become. They want to ban smoking by 2025 but bring in smoking dope? DUM!
"Check out some of the arguments and how politicians voted here!document"
And the End of Life Choice Referendum?
"NO. One Scholar once said “the measure of a government (or a culture) is how well it looks after its most vulnerable”. Any government that will not protect the lives of our most vulnerable is not fit to govern in my opinion. Once again the science is strongly against.
"Check out some of the arguments and how politicians voted here!document"
Anything else you’d like to add?
"Please call me anytime with any issues, comments or concerns. Check out our vision and values on our website here.
"Don’t be afraid to come on board with New Conservative and join the fight for our nation. Sign up online.