The Central App

Winter - time to get onto your rabbit problems

The Central App

Anna Robb

03 July 2022, 6:30 PM

Winter - time to get onto your rabbit problems Not cute, but a pest and destroyer of the iconic Central landscape and biodiversity. PHOTO: istock

Many areas of Central’s landscape are prime spots for rabbits to take up residence and breed, breed, breed; causing problems for farmers, horticulturalists and neighbours as well as damaging our biodiversity and environment.

Following our story about the rabbits on Roxburgh Golf Course we approached both Central Otago District Council (CODC) and the Otago Regional Council (ORC) to understand what land owners’ requirements are, and what the council can assist with. 

A spokesperson for Central Otago District Council said they do target areas from time to time to control rabbits.

“Around Alexandra Airport is one area that we advertise night shooting regularly.

“The Roxburgh Golf Club lease the land from council and the lease requires them to control pests like rabbits.”

CODC said the Otago Regional Council (ORC) was the best agency to comment on this instance specifically.

The ORC told the Central App its biosecurity team is visiting the former Roxburgh Health Camp (behind the Roxburgh Golf course) and surrounding area this week to inspect for rabbit infestations. 

If there is non-compliance detected at the site visits appropriate action would be taken, an ORC spokesperson said.

Under the ORC’s regional pest management plan, rabbit control is the responsibility of the land owner/occupier and must be controlled at or below level three on the modified McLean scale (MMS).

ORC’s website said if you see groups of rabbit droppings less than 10 metres apart, there’s a problem and you need to take action. Learn more about the MMS here. 

ORC facilitates a range of landowner-led rabbit control operations and you can register an interest in these online. No operations are currently running in Central, the areas currently covered are Lake Hayes, Gibbston, Moeraki and Queensberry.