The Central App

WAI Wānaka secures more funding for environmental work

The Central App

30 August 2023, 5:04 PM

WAI Wānaka secures more funding for environmental workWAI undertaking planting underway on a local farm during the Jobs for Nature programme. While that funding has come to an end, new funding will help support similar local initiatives PHOTO: Wānaka App

New funding will help WAI Wānaka continue environmental work previously enabled by the Jobs For Nature programme, which came to an end in June. 

The organisation has secured $500,000 from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Catchment Extension Services Funding, delivered over the next two years.

The Jobs for Nature programme, which lasted three years, marked a “massive step forward” for on-farm environmental initiatives throughout the catchment, WAI Wānaka programmes manager Prue Kane said.

WAI Wānaka’s mission is to improve and maintain the long-term health of the Upper Clutha’s freshwater. PHOTO: Dion Lee

During the programme WAI employed a field team to carry out work across planting, plant maintenance, weed control (including wilding pine control), animal and pest control (including predator trapping and rabbit control) and biodiversity and freshwater monitoring.

Support from the Catchment Extension Services Funding means WAI will be able keep helping landowners undertake more sustainable land management practices. 

“With this new funding we can continue to support work, such as planting and biodiversity monitoring, that was started under Jobs for Nature, to support landowners to preserve and restore ecosystems throughout our basin,” Prue said.

It will support work like planting, plant maintenance, weed control, animal pest control and biodiversity and freshwater monitoring, WAI Wānaka communications co-ordinator and education support Jaylene Harper told the Wānaka App.

“The support promotes landowners engaging with experienced contractors and offers to subsidise this work,” she said. 

A total of $9.1M in Catchment Extension Services Funding was granted to catchment groups across New Zealand, as well as two national organisations. 

The funding will run until June 2025.

WAI Wānaka is encouraging landowners within the Upper Clutha Catchment to make contact for further information and collaboration opportunities by emailing [email protected].

“We look forward to hearing from interested farmers,” Jaylene said.