The Central App

Vulcan Hotel shares the joke

The Central App

Staff Reporter

18 January 2023, 4:30 PM

Vulcan Hotel shares the jokeThe Vulcan Hotel

The Vulcan Hotel at St Bathans has shared the joke after an Auckland comedian made fun of its summer service.

Comedian Chris Parker mooted the idea of an “Auckland tax” in a social media reel about service at the St Bathans pub.

“Beautiful place, totally like being on another planet.

“And heaving with tourists - to the point where I would say the locals are not coping,” he said.

Chris said at one point the man behind the bar took the menus off the bar and said: “Kitchen's closed. I’ve had enough.”

“I don’t blame the guy,” Chris said.

Chris Parker 

“What a headache. You’re just living your life, and finally your small town gets a bit beautiful, the lupins are out, and in waltz us annoying Aucklanders… And they just can’t deal with us - and they shouldn’t have to.

“There should be an Aucklander’s tax. We should have to pay an extra $2 because we’re bloody annoying.”

Chris said the bar staff talked about a newspaper article which described St Bathans as “a charming and delightful place to visit if you’re in Central Otago”, to which the barman replied “Well, that’s not helping”. 

Chris said he worked overtime to be liked by the man behind the bar, trying to be “blokey”.

The gambit failed, and the barman finally said to him: “What do you want, because the kitchen’s closed.”

The hotel shared the reel on its Facebook page, saying “Hahaha Gosh this made me laugh!”

“Aucklander tax…how do we get that passed?” was one of the comments on the post.

However, a hotel spokesperson told the Central App that an “Auckland tax is a bit harsh” as “not all Aucklanders are bad”.

Watch Chris’s reel here.
