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Volunteers pick up 50kg of rubbish

The Central App

Anna Robb

12 September 2022, 5:50 PM

Volunteers pick up 50kg of rubbish A trailer load of mess was removed from along Boundary Road in Alexandra this weekend

People taking materials to Alexandra’s dump need to secure their load: That is a key message from a not-for-profit organisation which led a Boundary Road clean up effort on Saturday (September 10).

Keep Alexandra Clyde Beautiful (KACB) members and volunteers removed around 50kg of rubbish from the footpaths, fencelines and verges.

Items ranged from discarded bottles, packaging, polystyrene, to plastic and construction materials.

KACB chair Beverley Thomson said there were a few special and odd items retrieved during the two hour period of the clean up: an intact tarpaulin, golf ball and crunchie bar, and rusty measuring tape.

“[It was] great to receive positive acknowledgement from those passing by, plus truck drivers and business people. Thanks to all involved, [especially] Ann Wills for organising the clean up and Abi Hawkins, CODC [Central Otago District Council] waste minimisation officer, who came along too.”

Volunteers included two Clyde School pupils Lochy (11) and Stanley (8) who were happy to do their bit to keep Central beautiful

Beaming smiles as bright as the hi-vis vests: morning tea time on Saturday.

The group has been working on improving Shaky Bridge reserve in recent months with native plantings. Read more on this here.

KACB also plans to hang baskets in Centennial Ave soon to beautify the main street. 

The group was set up under the auspices of Keep New Zealand Beautiful, to encourage pride in Central’s environment, both natural and man-made. Over the past 30 years the organisation has completed local projects such as the Kamaka Walkway and planting on the Rail Trail.

To find out more about their projects email [email protected].