Alexia Anderson
29 March 2024, 4:15 PM
A serial undies flusher is at large in Alexandra.
Central Otago District Council (CODC) has issued a plea to parents asking them to talk to their children about what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet.
The plea comes following, yet another, blockage in the wastewater pump station on Eureka St.
A CODC water services spokesperson said for over 12 months the team has had to tend to multiple blockages at the Eureka St site, which is often found to be blocked with children’s underwear, sizes six to 12.
There have been 11 incidents since May last year, directly attributable to undies.
The team noted that wipes, sanitary products and oil are also contributing factors to some of the blockages they get called to.
“Each time this happens it costs our community to fix the issue.”
The team reminds residents that only the three Ps can be flushed - pee, poo and paper (toilet).