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Traffic light system gets green light by local businesses

The Central App

Rowan Schindler

13 December 2021, 5:00 PM

Traffic light system gets green light by local businesses

Local businesses say the Covid-19 Protection Framework, or “Traffic Light System” is working fine, with no major hiccups so far. 

PaperPlus Alexandra store manager Sam Robinson says the new Covid-19 Protection Framework is working well. 

“Not much has changed for us – Retail is considered low risk so vaccine passports aren’t required.

“We still require people to wear masks though. There seems to be a lot of confusion about when and where vaccine passports are required.

“Generally we have had really high compliance with the mask wearing while in our store recently, I think people have become accustomed to it.” 

Central Sports Depot has not seen any real difference since changing to the Covid-19 Protection Framework, also known at the Covid traffic light system. 

Ellen Middendorf says the change hasn’t made much difference in their operation.

“It hasn't made any real difference to our day to day business as we have chosen not to require customers to have a vaccine pass.

“We have noticed dispatch times reducing and the freight system starting to free up as Auckland gets back up to speed.

“Most people are pretty conscientious about masks and we are really appreciative of all the people who are still choosing to put on their masks and shop local.” 

Cromwell’s Glen Christiansen says the traffic light system is working well. 

Cromwell businessman Glen Christiansen is general manager of The Gate Hospitality Complex, which hosts Three Stags and Forage Cafe. 

He says the new Covid-19 Protection Framework is working well.

“It is running smoothly from our side, customers seem to be understanding at this stage.”