The Central App

Track maintenance ongoing

The Central App

Sue Wards

23 June 2024, 5:04 PM

Track maintenance ongoingA jogger enjoys the upgraded River Track between Gunn Road and the Albert Town bridge.

Work continues to take place on walking tracks in the district, but one section of the Clutha River Track - between Gunn Road and the Albert Town Bridge - has now reopened after an upgrade.

The Upper Clutha Tracks Trust (UCTT) thanked Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) for upgrading the section of the track and giving it “some loving”.

UCTT also praised a plaque erected by the Albert Town Community Association explaining the naming of Dean's Bank.

Dean’s Bank was named after one of New Zealand’s most noted physicians and public health researchers, Sir Charles Ernest Hercus (1888-1977). Sir Charles was Dean of the Otago University Medical School from 1937-1958. The bank (on the north side of the Clutha River) was his favourite spot to fly-fish brown and rainbow trout.

Meanwhile QLDC continues to upgrade the Wānaka Millennium Trail, with the completion date scheduled for this Friday (June 28). 

Contractors have been on the track since late last month smoothing out rocky areas to improve the trail surface.

A third track, one alongside the Cardrona River which is maintained jointly by QLDC and the Department of Conservation, is also up for reconstruction.

The Cameron Creek track was damaged by floods in October 2023

The track which follows Cameron Creek, a tributary of the Cardrona River, was a well formed track which was wiped out by floods in October last year.

QLDC spokesperson Sam White told the Wānaka App the floods destroyed a trail previously constructed by the UCTT.

Cameron Creek track when it was first opened in Sep 2019.

“Council is working with the UCTT on what a reinstatement of the former trail would look like,” he said.

PHOTOS: Supplied