The Central App

Time temporarily stops on Alexandra clock

The Central App

Anna Robb

10 March 2025, 9:56 PM

Time temporarily stops on Alexandra clockThe clock’s hands are frozen at 8.30am. PHOTO: The Central App

On Tuesday morning (March 11) the iconic clock on Alexandra’s hill stopped at 8.30am. 

A tip from a reader prompted The Central App to investigate and call one of team behind it’s maintenance, Russell Anderson, a couple of hours later.

At 10.30am Russell was not yet aware of the stoppage but was planning on getting onto it straightaway.

“It was going earlier, we’re not sure what has happened yet.”

Russell said on other occasions when the hand is in the six o’clock position it may have been clambered or climbed on.

“Sometimes in the school holidays people might climb all over it.”

The Alexandra Lions Club is the group who maintain the clock and are responsible for it’s regular upkeep.

Russell said between him and electrician Greg Hamill they would figure out what needed to be done as soon as they could.

The clock on the hill has been serving the town since 1968. 

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