Anna Robb
26 November 2024, 4:30 PM
Central Otago REAP SuperSkills is looking for people to make connections, share their life experience and support families.
SuperSkills, offered through Central Otago REAP, was established to help respond to the needs of the community, whether that be teaching someone how to prepare their garden for spring, knit, make soaps, or cook different meals.
SuperSkills coordinator Ann Conder said it was about bridging the intergenerational gap.
“We want to hear from women and men, anybody who is willing to help.
“The commitment is as much as they want to give. It could be an hour a week, or whatever they want to give.”
Volunteers didn’t have to have a “super” skill and that the name wasn’t meant to leave anyone out, she said.
“We are about lending a hand where needed more than anything.”
The concept was to have volunteers teach people, not complete the task for them to ensure those learning the skill could continue to use it without assistance.
The group supported new mums who needed an extra pair of hands in their homes, taught knitting and ran a fortnightly Wednesday morning coffee get-together at the Alexandra Baptist Church.
Ann hoped to offer more workshops where people could upskill learning all manner of things from baking to growing veggies, family meal planning, cardmaking and other crafts.
SuperSkills were involved in organising and running recent clothing and toy swaps in Central and both of those events were well attended and helpful to the community, especially as Christmas neared, Ann said.
Everyone, including children, is welcome at the Baptist Church on Gregg St today, and Wednesday, December 11 from 10am -12pm.
Topics covered will be no-bake Christmas treats (today) and easy Christmas wrapping ideas (December 11).
There are now 11 agencies throughout New Zealand offering the SuperSkills service.
The values of the service are practical wisdom, self determination, enhancement of wellbeing, sustainability and being connected.
To find out more contact Ann on 021 224 7203.
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