The Central App

Speed concerns on local roads

The Central App

Sue Wards

07 November 2023, 4:06 PM

Speed concerns on local roadsRata Street has been identified as a risk area due to more pedestrians and the increased speed of vehicles.

Raised safety platforms for Rata Street are part of a series of transport improvements for the Upper Clutha partly funded by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, but another risk area is having to wait its turn.

By December 8 four platforms will be installed on Rata Street, with the council prompted into action after increasing vehicle speeds, a growing number of pedestrian users, plus reports of near misses between the two, Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) spokesperson Sam White said.

Albert Town Community Association chair Heather Thorne said she was “absolutely staggered” to learn that traffic calming work had been prioritised for Rata Street over Gunn Road and Alison Avenue.

She told the Wānaka App that residents of Gunn Road and Alison Avenue have been raising concerns about traffic speed for months, as the roads have increasingly become used as a shortcut.

Gunn Road is also on the list of risk areas. 

The association also hosted a meeting about the safety of Albert Town streets in August. 

Read more: ‘Safe streets’ concern for Albert Town community

“Sometimes people are travelling at 65kph. There have been several incidents where people have gone off the road into the tree and fence [at the end of Gunn Road].

“People don’t respect [speed limits], they just want to get to where they’re going as quickly as possible.”

Heather said the community association is encouraging people to report any incidents to the police (on 111 if it is urgent, or *555 if not).

Both Rata Street and Gunn Road were identified through Waka Kotahi’s Road to Zero project, which asked councils to identify projects to be considered.

QLDC identified a list of projects prioritised from its existing minor improvements (Low Cost Low Risk) programme - established over time by QLDC staff with the relevant network knowledge, as well as via public submissions and customer enquiries - and the final list was approved in late 2021.

Gunn Road is now on the council’s programme (2024-2027 of the Long Term Plan), Sam said.

“We always welcome community feedback about concerns regarding specific roads and would encourage anyone to give us a call on 03 443 0024 or raise a ‘fix it’ request via our website,” Sam said. 

“This will ensure we have these details in our system for consideration.”

PHOTOS: Wānaka App