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Southern health chiefs urge public to follow health advice

The Central App

18 August 2021, 9:51 PM

Southern health chiefs urge public to follow health advice

Southern DHB Medical Officer of Health Dr Susan Jack is urging everyone in Southern to wear a mask if they leave the house under the current alert level four lockdown.

“We know the Delta strain is highly infectious, and can spread by airborne transmission to infect someone within seconds. I appeal to everyone in the Southern region to wear a mask, maintain two metres social distance from others when they leave the house, and keep up good hand hygiene. Please only leave your house for the allowable reasons,” Susan said.

Susan said it was imperative that anyone who has cold or flu symptoms either calls 0800 847 8719 or their GP to arrange a Covid-19 test. 

“People who have visited Auckland or the Coromandel since Tuesday 10 August are asked to check the Ministry of Health website for places of interest and follow advice if you have visited any of these sites.”

Susan said it was important to remember that even people who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 can catch the virus. 

“The vaccine does reduce the severity of the illness, but people can still contract the virus and transmit it to others.”

Previous: Local services under alert level four