The Central App

Skiing and life lessons for young skiers

The Central App

Sue Wards

05 August 2024, 5:04 PM

Skiing and life lessons for young skiersYoung skiers with coach Jason Sklenar (centre).

Nineteen enthusiastic young skiers improved not just their biathlon and Nordic skiing skills but a range of other life skills during a three day Youth Development Training Camp at the Snow Farm’s Musterers Hut recently (July 26-28).

The camp was jointly organised by the Waiorau Nordic Sports Club and Wānaka Biathlon Club, and supported by Snow Farm NZ.

Camp co-organiser Matty Graham told the Wānaka App the camp provided “a fun, inclusive, and engaging environment” to foster a love of cross-country skiing and biathlon.

The young skiers, who ranged from Youth Olympians and New Zealand’s top junior skiers to those starting out in their first season, took part in sessions on biathlon shooting, range procedures, Nordic ski techniques, mobility and stretching, interval training, plus snow craft, where they built snow caves and learned about different snow structures and snow water content.

Snow caving and snow craft were popular sessions.

The group also went night skiing and “learned important life lessons about collaboration, teamwork, leaving places better than when you find them, and taking pride in everything you do,” Matty said.

He said the camp also provided the opportunity for older and more experienced athletes to mentor and inspire the younger ones.

Since its inception in 1999 by Mary Lee, CNZM, the Nordic Youth Development Programme (which the training camp is a part of) has nurtured many young cross-country skiers, including Junior World Championship gold medal winner Campbell Wright, who has recently transitioned to the US biathlon programme.

Read more: Mary Lee, CNZM: ‘A very rewarding journey’

Young Nordic skiers practising with laser rifles during the camp.

“Plans to continue this amazing work and create a sustainable programme to support New Zealand's young cross country skiers into the future are well underway,” Matty said.

He thanked the Snow Farm for its support for the camp and for “fostering the next generation of Nordic skiers and biathletes”, and the coaches and parents who worked hard to make the camp a success.

The camp was based at the Snow Farm’s Musterers Hut.

The camp was made possible by the financial support of the Waiorau Nordic Club Youth Development Fund.

Read more: Supporting Wānaka’s young cross country skiers

PHOTOS: Supplied