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Simply Central: How much do you know about alcohol?

The Central App

Mary Hinsen

10 July 2021, 5:00 PM

Simply Central: How much do you know about alcohol?Take our quick quiz and find out how much you know about alcohol.

How much do you really know about alcohol? 

Simply Central is a home and lifestyle series for your Sundays. We take a look at what’s hot, what’s not, and everything lifestyle.

How much do you really know about alcohol? Our ten quick quiz questions and interesting facts will help you identify the truth and the science behind that banter around the bar.

Which country has the most lenient recommended weekly alcohol limits for men?

  1. Australia
  2. Canada
  3. South Africa

How many standard drinks can Kiwi men have per week, under Aotearoa New Zealand’s recommended limits?

  1. 21
  2. 15
  3. 9

How many standard drinks can Kiwi women have per week, under Aotearoa New Zealand’s recommended limits?

  1. 15
  2. 10
  3. 7

What does ‘standard drink’ actually mean?

  1. One pour in the appropriate glass for the type of alcohol
  2. 25g of alcohol
  3. 10g of alcohol

What does the ‘French Paradox’ mean to people who study the health effects of alcohol?

  1. When beer is consumed in small servings, drinkers are less likely to become drunk.
  2. Low levels of heart disease in France, despite relatively high alcohol intake.
  3. Drinking alcohol with meals from a young age results in less lifetime alcohol consumption.

When people tell you how much they drink, by how much do they tend to underestimate the true amount they consume?

  1. Underestimate by 40%
  2. Underestimate by 25%
  3. Underestimate by 15%

On average, how fast can your liver break down alcohol? At the rate of:

  1. 1 standard drink per hour
  2. 2 standard drinks per hour
  3. 2.5 standard drinks per hour

How many adult Kiwis have consumed alcohol in the past year?

  1. 4 in 5 Kiwis - around 80%.
  2. 3 in 5 Kiwis - just over half.
  3. 2.5 in 5 Kiwis - half of us.

How many of our young adults drink hazardously?

  1. 1 in 4 young adults - 25%
  2. 2 in 3 young adults - 60%
  3. 2 in 5 young adults - 40%

It is illegal to supply alcohol to people under the age of 18, unless:

  1. You are the parent or guardian AND supply the alcohol in a responsible manner.
  2. You have the express consent of their parent or guardian AND supply the alcohol in a responsible manner.
  3. Both A. and B. are true.

How good was your general knowledge about alcohol? Check the answers at the end of this article.

Did you know?

43% of all alcohol-related deaths are due to injuries, 30% to cancer, and 27% to other chronic diseases.

35 million litres of pure alcohol is available in New Zealand each year - enough for an average of two standard drinks, per person, per day.

Ministry of Transport Te Manatū Waka statistics show that in 2019, there were:

137 fatal crashes

286 serious injury crashes

1,409 minor injury crashes

Where driver alcohol or drugs were a contributing factor.

From these crashes:

160 people died

391 people were seriously injured

1,936 people suffered minor injuries.

Answers to the quiz questions:

B. Canada.

B. 15 standard drinks per week for men.

B. 10 standard drinks per week for women.

C. A standard drink contains 10 grams of alcohol - this is the amount of alcohol your body can process in one hour. It equates to one 330ml bottle of 4% beer, or 100ml of 13% wine.

B. There are low levels of heart disease in France, despite relatively high alcohol intake.

A. People tend to underestimate their true level of alcohol consumption by 40%.

A. It takes one hour for your liver to break down the alcohol in one standard drink.    

A. 4 out of every 5 Kiwis have consumed alcohol in the past year.

C. 2 in every 5, or 40% of our young adults drink hazardously.

C. Both statements are true.

To understand more about standard drink sizes for different alcoholic drinks, click here.

For more information and links to resources, click here.

Images Unsplash
