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Schools bike ambassadors course gains traction

The Central App

Anna Robb

05 June 2024, 5:15 PM

Schools bike ambassadors course gains tractionTarras School students enjoyed bringing their wheels to school during a previous week focused on active transport to school. PHOTO: Sport Central

There are still a few spots left for teachers in a new free two-day course to boost bike use in Central Otago schools.

The course is a part of the Central Otago District Council’s (CODC) Wheels Up campaign led by CODC road safety advisor Chris Foggin (Foggie). 

Foggie said the course included elements from the national bike ready programme along with resources for teachers to use to build their own school’s activities.

“It’s from the real basics and fundamentals of bike education for a complete beginner to riding on the road safely.

“We know we don’t need to teach teachers how to teach, it's about the content . . . and then there will be upskilling them in terms of their own personal competencies on a bike.”

Foggie said he has room for 12 teachers this round, but plans to deliver future courses for others interested in cycling in the Central community. 

The schools bike ambassador course in Alexandra on June 11 and 12 is for teachers, teacher aids, relief teachers and people involved in education.

The first day is held at Alexandra Community Centre on Skird St and the second day at the CODC offices on Dunorling St, and will include both practical and theoretical components on both days.

For children, using active transport such as wheeling, biking, scootering or walking to school is an effective way for them to boost their physical and mental wellbeing, along with contributing to lower transport emissions.

To find out more about the course contact Foggie on [email protected]

Read more: New role focusing on road safety in Central

Read more: Bumz on bikez benefit from road safety workshop

Listen to Foggie interviewed on The Outlet about Wheels Up initiatives.