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The Central App

Review: Funny and disturbingly familiar

The Central App

Cathy Romeyn

25 August 2022, 7:30 PM

Review: Funny and disturbingly familiar The cast of Murder by Committee at Wednesday night’s dress rehearsal, with playwright Marion Low front centre.

Last night’s dress rehearsal (Wednesday August 24) of Murder by Committee in front of invited guests, was a funny, slightly disturbing recognition of any committee anyone has ever been on. 

Written and directed by first-time playwright (and local) Marion Low, the cast captured the eternal group dynamics of any committee, anywhere. 

Terence (played by Paul Tait), the president of Shadowtown’s most important committee – the Council of Committees (yep, COC) - is the self-important narcissist every committee dreads – and loathes.  

Thankfully he is stepping down and earnest, hard-working wannabe, Julia (Emily Derham), is priming herself to take his place. 

Unfortunately for her, Terence doesn’t see it this way and the only course of action the committee can see of “getting COC into the right hands” is to top Terence.

A sub (sub-sub-sub?) committee is formed under the guise of Get Rid of Grass Grubs and they meet to plot how to rid themselves of the man. Meanwhile, mysterious Melissa (Carolyn Murray) arrives from “somewhere on the West Coast” and craftily slides in, rivalling Julia as the next top dog.

The cast play the archetypal committee members to perfection. Hapless Douglas (played by Michael Low) has probably the fewest lines in the play, but his comedic timing is spot on. There’s Megan (Tania Partridge), mother of twin babies who is only there to get out of the house legitimately and sneak a quick snooze when she can; sweet and slightly annoying Tina (Genevieve Horsnell) who takes being secretary far too seriously; and the quintessential “posh farmer” Sharon (Brigitte Tait), complete with pearls.


Not on the committee but playing the part of local cop (and moonlighting in the local bar), Janet (Catherine Brown) has a great scene terrifying Julia with an animated discourse on various ways to commit murder.

The set changes are cleverly done on the small stage with an effective use of posters and a small number of props. There are only a few costume changes and the choices fit well with the characters.

The intimate feel of Bannockburn Coronation Hall is a fitting venue to enjoy local theatre.  The locals in attendance last night laughed long and heartily and there’s no better recommendation than that.

Fine Thyme Theatre Company presents: Murder by Committee

Written and directed by Marion Low

25 August – 3 September 2022

Coronation Hall, Bannockburn


**Contains coarse language**

Tickets are almost sold out.  Head to for yours.