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Poolburn fundraiser to showcase Ida Valley scenery

The Central App

Anna Robb

23 October 2022, 4:58 PM

Poolburn fundraiser to showcase Ida Valley sceneryLoad up your pony or horse and head to the beautiful Ida Valley this Saturday. PHOTO: Poolburn School principal Melissa Gare.

The third annual Poolburn School fundraising horse trek and hike promises fresh air, stunning scenery, delicious food and a great party in a woolshed.

The event is all for a good cause: the school plans to use money raised for staffing and classroom activities.

Principal Melissa Gare said the Ida Valley station event was being refined, perfected and improved each year.

“This year we’ve really pushed the hike option, we’ve changed the name to horse and hike - so the hike is just as important.

“[New this year] we’ve also got a lead rein option for the wee dots on ponies.”

The fundraiser is a huge community effort, organised by Poolburn Home and School (the parent teacher association) and staff and community members of all ages come to support it.

There are various options to participate including a horse trek and lunch, four or two hour hike and lunch, or dinner and band. There is even a branded trek cap for purchase.

Despite official entries being closed, Melissa said there is room “for a few more”. 

Interested people need to call the school (03-447 4866) or message the Poolburn School Horse & Hike Facebook page. 

The evening's entertainment is the band Treble Trouble and around 120 people will be at the dinner function.

Melissa said the weather forecast looks balmy at 24’C.

“People sleep over, some in caravans, swags or horse floats. We’ve also got a courtesy coach available.

“It’s a great fun day out… we’re expecting a fairly big turnout and lots of community support.”

This year's sponsor is Landpro who do a lot of work in the Ida Valley and within the farming community.

Melissa said the company was great at providing learning experiences within the school and their slogan ‘make the most of your land’ resonated and connected well with the school, its families’ farming roots and the fundraising horse trek and hike.

PHOTOS: Supplied